Tag Archive for: website development

5 Ways to Improve Your Website’s CTAs

The CTA is a key element to any effective webpage. It lets users know what to do, helping them move through their buyer journey and ultimately works to increase conversions. Continue reading to learn more about CTAs, as well as 5 strategies to make yours stronger. 

What is a CTA? 

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt on a website that tells visitors to take a specified action. They’re typically written as a command or action phrase, like ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Download’ and generally take the form of a button or hyperlink. 

5 Ways to Improve Your CTAs:

1. Pick the right color and design. 

The look of your CTA has an immense impact on its effectiveness. The main consideration should be visibility. If users don’t notice your CTA, they’re not going to click on it. This is why experts recommend using a button, rather than a text link. After landing on a design, you have to consider color, which also has a large impact on effectiveness. 

Keep in mind that different colors have varying connotations, especially when it comes to marketing. For example, red induces urgency, while blue is considered trustworthy and black is seen as luxurious. It’s also essential to consider how the color fits with your brand identity and how it contrasts with your site’s color scheme to draw attention. 

2. Choose compelling, but careful words. 

What your CTA actually says is just as important as the design. The message should be short, simple, clear and concise. Obviously, the message itself will vary depending on what you want your visitors to do, but it should still follow these rules. Being specific and concise beats out vagueness every time. You should also focus on using positive sentiments and power words to make your copy more persuasive. 

3. Use scarcity and free trials. 

An important aspect of a successful CTA that people often don’t think of is making sure to include the benefits for the user. People are much more likely to click on something when they can see a clear, positive outcome. You can also play to users’ fear of missing out, or (FOMO) by offering deals for a limited time. Whatever strategy you go with, the key is to make the offer clear. 

4. Choose the correct locations. 

The final important aspect to a successful CTA is location. Most users read websites in an F-shaped pattern, according to a study by Nielsen Norman Group. Because of this, it’s best to place your CTA higher up on your web pages. 

While you want users to have multiple opportunities and exposure to your CTAs, they should still be used sparingly. Every CTA should have a purpose. Bombarding users with pop-ups and buttons can confuse them or come across as spam-y. This all could result in a decrease of clicks or increase your bounce rate. 

5. A/B Test

Lastly, it’s essential to A/B test all of the variables we discussed above with different options. You’ll never know what truly performs best if it’s never been compared to other options. 

Final Thoughts

A strong CTA can make the difference between a purchase and a lost sale. Your CTA is where you get the chance to directly influence your visitors to make it to the end of their buyer journey. If you’re struggling to increase your online conversions, sometimes it’s best to rely on an expert, digital marketing agency. At Onimod Global, we are your in-house in-house marketing team, working for you, creating cross-channel digital marketing campaigns driven by machine learning analytics and human intelligence. 

Learn more about who we are, and get started today

How to Improve Your Website Copy

High quality website copy is one of the most effective ways to improve user experience, sell your company and drive more conversions online. If you can create copy that’s engaging and makes you stand out from competitors, you’ll likely see success. 

Here are 5 simple tips to help you improve your website copy. 

1. Utilize the Voice of the Customer

Voice of the Customer is a way to describe your customer’s experiences with and expectations for your products or services in their own language. When trying to persuade your customers, it’s extremely effective to utilize VOC. This focuses on consumers’ needs and wants and prioritizes them into a hierarchical structure of importance and satisfaction. 

You can find examples of your customers’ language in a variety of ways, but reading reviews or conducting surveys are two simple tactics. These provide the consumer with ample opportunity to express problems and experiences in their own words. You can then identify common pain points, wants and needs of your consumers, which will allow you to craft your copy to perfectly solve those issues. This ultimately helps to improve your website copy by showing visitors you understand them and their problems, as well as provide a proper solution. 

2. Conduct A/B Tests 

You will never truly know what elements perform best if you don’t test different variations. While it’s probably not necessary to test every element of your website copy, you might consider testing: 

  • Different FAQs 
  • Statement vs questions in headlines 
  • Short vs long form copy 
  • Point of view (first person vs third person)

To determine which copy performs best, you have to present users with an ask as well. This could be a download, sign up, subscribe, etc. If you don’t have a true call to action, it will be harder to determine which variant actually resonates better with potential customers. 

3. Write from the User’s Perspective 

Different from the voice of the customer, user intent refers to what a given person intends to do when they reach your site. Sometimes this may lead to a clearly defined action, such as making a purchase, but sometimes it may not. While underlying problems users are looking to solve are likely very different, the reasons people visit a website are usually similar. Users are either looking to: 

  • Learn about the your industry 
  • Find out about your services 
  • Compare products, services or prices 
  • To make an actual purchase 

When writing your copy, think from the users’ perspective and ask these 4 crucial questions: 

  1. Is it obvious to see what this company’s product or service is? 
  2. Are the benefits clear? 
  3. Is this knowledge necessary? 
  4. Does every sentence of this copy provide useful information about your products, services or give insight on what you do?

Putting yourself in the shoes of the average consumer and not an industry expert can be difficult. Which is why it can be helpful to also conduct qualitative market research and ask people who are unfamiliar with your business to use your website and provide feedback. The bottom line is that your website caters to what customers want and not what you want.

4. Be Clear and Concise 

When it comes to searching for things online, no one wants to have to work to figure out what you’re offering them or to find information on your product or service. Treat your website copy as if it were the packaging of your product and explain exactly how the product/service would solve a consumer’s problem. 

5. Include Data 

Statistics, quotes from industry experts and original data can be extremely effective in strengthening additional points you’ve made in your website copy. Using third-party data is one of the most effective ways to make your brand more trustworthy and dependable. 

Final Thoughts 

Creating successful website copy isn’t easy, but there are a variety of ways you can work to improve it. By making minor adjustments to how you view and approach the process can provide your target audience with an overall better experience, which ultimately benefits you. 

More from Onimod Global 

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Simple Ways to Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate

If your website is struggling to generate traffic and leads, it could be due to a high bounce rate. While reducing bounce rate doesn’t automatically mean you’ll increase conversions, it could help. The ultimate goal is to increase engagement, user satisfaction and making it easier for them to find what they’re searching for. 

With that, here are 5 simple ways to improve your website’s bounce rate. 

What is Bounce Rate?

A bounce is a single-page session on your site. Is a high bounce rate a bad thing? According to Google, it depends on what determines the success of your website. For example, if users come to your homepage first but you want them to get to your sales page, then you don’t want a high bounce rate. A high bounce rate can also indicate that your visitors may not be engaged or satisfied with your site. Ultimately, we work to reduce bounce rate because it can also mean you’re making users happier and delivering them what they’re searching for. 

1. Increasing Page Speed

The longer a user has to wait for the site to load, the more likely they’ll leave. So, making your website faster is one of the easiest ways to reduce your bounce rate. Also, speed is a Google ranking factor, so it can help improve your SEO as well. Some simple ways to improve website’s page load speed is through: 

  • Optimizing images and video: Make sure they’re all sized appropriately and compressed. 
  • Leverage a caching, page speed plugin. 
  • Upgrading your web hosting package. 

2. Strong CTAs

No matter what your conversion goal is, the best way to improve your CTA is by including ranking keywords in the CTA itself. To accomplish this, you can go to the Google Search Console, determine what your pages are actually ranking for, take the top keywords and include them into the CTA. For example, if your conversion goal is to get visitors to download a white paper, your CTA would say “Download my white paper.” This is a lot more powerful than using a generic vocabulary. 

3. Use an Inverted Pyramid Writing Style 

If a person lands on your website from a search engine, it’s likely they’re searching for an answer for something. We want to draw them into your content and hook them in as soon as possible. With the inverted pyramid style of writing, you include the most important information in the beginning, then go into more details and give the least important information last. This also helps to create more engaging content that’s clean and has a good flow. 

4. Add Visual Appeal  

Visual content, such as photos and videos, always has higher engagement rates. This is due to videos and images being easier to consume than standard text. If you have a longer piece of content, it’s best to try to turn that into video form. It’s more likely for users to watch a long video than read a long blog, for example. It’s also easier to draw people in with visual content. And hopefully, once you’ve drawn them in, you can get them to convert. 

5. Make Site Search Simple

Lastly, it’s important to make it easy for users to search your site. If you can provide an easy search experience for users, it’s less likely they’ll bounce back to Google to search elsewhere. The longer you can keep them on your site, the more engaged they are and the more opportunity you have to persuade them to convert. 

Contact Onimod Global

Struggling to make your landing page convert or just need some digital marketing advice? Contact us! We are experts in all things digital marketing including SEM, Web Dev, Automation, Analytics, and much more. Learn more about what we do here, or keep up to date with all things digital marketing on our news page.


How to Optimize Your Website Structure for SEO

Not all website structures are favored equally by search engine algorithms. A site that is a disorganized jumble mess of pages is unlikely to rank well against a structure that is rigorous and streamlined. To make your site structure SEO-friendly, it has to appeal to users while guiding them to relevant content across your website. 

Learn more about website structure, why it matters and steps to take to optimize yours for SEO. 

What is Site Structure? 

Site structure refers to the way a site’s content is grouped, interconnected and presented to its visitors. Website structure starts with a foundation, its home page, then splits off into other sections, such as the about page, contact page or blog page.

Why Does Site Structure Matter? 

Site structure is one of the most crucial components linked to SEO performance. A well-executed website structure sets you up for SEO success down the road. It also: 

  • Creates a better user experience. 
  • Helps with crawlability. 
  • Provides you with sitelinks. 

How to Optimize Your Website Structure for SEO

1. Plan your site hierarchy. 

The hierarchy of your site is the system that arranges your pages from top to bottom. A website’s structure is similar to a skyscraper. It would be difficult to revise the foundation once you’ve already constructed the middle floors. Which is why it’s best to establish the organization of your website from the beginning. Here are some tips to keep in mind when planning out your hierarchy: 

  • Make it logical. You don’t want to overcomplicate this process for both your sake, your users’ sake and for crawlability. Each main category should be unique and distinct. Subcategories should somehow be related to the main category under which it’s located. 
  • Keep the number of main categories between two and seven. There should only be a few main aspects of your website. If there’s more than seven, you may want to rethink the structure. 
  • Try to balance the number of subcategories within each category. You want to keep it approximately even. If one main category has a large number of subcategories, while others only have a few, the site can become unbalanced. 

2. Create a URL structure that follows the navigation hierarchy. 

URL structure also impacts rankings in Google. Your URLs should follow your website structure, as well as be simple and readable. So if your hierarchy looks like this: 

The URL structure for the Chinatown location should look like: www.kimsrestaurant.com/locations/chinatown 

More developed sites might contain a longer series of folders and subfolders, but the main idea is to create a concise URL with recognizable words.

3. Select the right navigational depth. 

The structure of your site determines how difficult it is to click to a different part of your site. You don’t want important pages of your site to be buried too deep. Shallow paths perform best from a usability and crawlability perspective. With that being said, you also don’t want to go with a completely flat structure. You want a site that proceeds deeper than a second tier of folders, but you want users to be able to get where they need within a few steps. 

4. Establish a header and footer. 

Headers and footers help enhance website structure by making navigation more seamless. Best practice is to display your main categories in your header, but you can also include dropdown features that show subcategories. When you do incorporate additional features, it’s important they have an easy-to-follow design. Basic text links and corresponding anchors are a reliable way to enrich your SEO strategy. Text links perform well because search engine bots can comprehend them. Although images have ALT text, text links continue to deliver better results when it comes to SEO. 

If you have a footer with menu links, be sure they’re duplicated exactly like the main menu links. Changing the order of links or adding additional category listings will complicate the user experience.

5. Include internal linking. 

Internal linking shows the relationship between pages and content on your website. Search engine crawlers move from one link to the next, on-site links give search engines a better picture of what your site has to offer. Placing links organically throughout blogs, product/service pages and other posts forms a grid for users to explore. If there’s a related page or helpful link on your blog, users can continue to traverse your site and come closer to converting or purchasing a product. Internal link structures also help crawlers understand the content you think is most important, which supports differences in ranking on search results pages for similar content. Try to link back to your most popular or important pages to instill more ranking value in them for powerful SEO optimization. 

Final Thoughts 

Site structure is something that can be easily overlooked if you’re not experienced in site building, but it’s crucial when it comes to SEO. At Onimod Global we specialize in both web site development and SEO. You can rely on us for new project development, website maintenance, and more. We build all of our sites with search engines rankings in mind. We analyze data from Traffic Sources and Visitor Flow to establish the routes people take to reach you, the devices they use to get there and what they do on your website. Utilizing this information allows us to build highly engaging, search friendly websites for your business.

Learn more about us and contact us today!

CMS vs CRM: Which Does Your Small Business Need?

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools and content management systems (CMS) are two types of software used for sales and marketing. They’re often mistaken as similar or interchangeable tools, but in reality, their purposes are very different. They include different functionality and focus on different aspects of how your business connects with customers. CRM is all about managing customers and clients, while CMSs are for managing websites. If you’re wondering whether your small business needs a CRM or a CMS, the answer is probably both, but when you need to adopt each one may vary. 

What is a CMS and how does it work? 

A content management system is likely the first thing you’ll need when first setting up your business’s website. Your CMS will be the central hub where you create and manage all the content of your website. A CMS provides a graphical user interface to create and publish website content without having to use HTML. They usually have pre designed website templates or themes to choose from, but you can also create and customize your own designs. Many of the best CMSs for small businesses will include content creation and editing tools that allow users to publish blog posts or articles and provide cloud-based storage for managing digital assets, like photo and video files. Some systems have more capabilities than others. It just depends on what you need and the prices you’re willing to pay. WordPress is one of the most commonly used and reasonably priced systems. Ranging from $3 to $25 per month for hosting and premium themes from $29 to $49. More advanced systems typically range from $45 to $79 per month. 

Basic CMS Features: 

  • Custom domain names: Most CMSs allow you to create a custom domain name that’s in line with your company. 
  • Web hosting: You can store your site and site data directly in the CMS or integrate it with a web hosting platform. 
  • Content creation: The core function of a CMS is the ability to create digital content for a website without needing to know how to write code. Most CMS tools include a graphical user interface that includes a content editor. Often times it’s as simple as just using drag and drop for photos, videos, etc. Most tools also have content scheduling and automatic publishing capabilities. 
  • Ecommerce capabilities: Many systems allow you to set up a catalogue of products and integrate a payment portal. There are also ecommerce specific software that include order management tools, as well as integration with accounting software to make it easy to run your online store without the hassle of complicated shopping cart software.
  • Site editors: Many CMSs include different template and style sheets that can be installed, making it easy to change the layout and feel of your site whenever necessary. 
  • Content libraries: Content such as images and videos can be stored directly on the CMS and some even come with additional stock images for free use. 

The Best CMSs for Small Business: 



What is a CRM and how does it work?

A customer relationship management tool organizes and manages customer data. It allows for sales and marketing teams to keep track of leads, customers, and accounts, while making sure they’re all getting contacted at the right times. For small businesses it’s not whether or not you need a CRM, but when it should be implemented. This can vary from business to business, but the more your customer base grows, the harder it gets to keep track of them without one.

Basic CRM Features:

  • Lead and contact management: CRMs give you the ability to distinguish between leads, customers, and accounts, allowing users to link contacts with the right accounts and deals. It’s the primary place information about customers is kept and should contain all customer history, including past deals, communications, and sales activity. 
  • Sales pipeline management: This allows you to manage the sales process from every stage and assign tasks to specific team members. Most small business CRMs include multiple ways to view your sales pipeline, allowing you to customize the process, activities, and stages included as you work to close a sale
  • Email management: Emails can be integrated into CRMs, allowing for campaigns and follow ups to be sent directly from the system. More advanced systems have the capability to set up drip campaigns. Which automatically nurture leads through your sales process, sending a series of emails over time designed to qualify and convert them into customers.
  • Reporting and analytics: Most CRMs have the ability to generate reports on almost every aspect of the sales process, as well as configure dashboards providing analytics the process at a glance. This can be used to identify sales opportunities that need to be contacted, determine valuable accounts, or indicate which salespeople are best performing. 

For small businesses specifically, the most important features to look out for are cloud-based management, pipeline management, and contact profiles. You want your entire team to be able to access your CRM solution from any device at any time. If your business has a sales team it’s important to also be able to control the data that is accessed and shared. It’s equally important to have a process that guides people from lead to conversion without forgetting any steps. This includes sending out automatic emails based on behavior, making follow up phone calls, and offering free trials, which can all be accomplished through pipeline management. Lastly, each lead that shows interest in your business should have their own customer profile that includes full name, email, phone number, social media links, and any other important or relevant information. 

The Best CRMs for Small Business: 



Final Thoughts 

As previously mentioned, it’s no longer a question of customer management systems OR customer relationship management. A recent survey found 92% of small businesses either already use both a CRM and CMS, or are planning on implementing a CRM within the next two years. Each tool plays a role in attracting users, generating leads, and converting them to customers. Finding the right time to implement one or the other and which platforms to use all depends on your business and your ultimate goal. 

More From Onimod Global 

At Onimod Global we’re experts in all areas of digital marketing from SEM and Web Dev to Social Media and Content Marketing.  Take a look at how we’ve helped other companies, and learn more about what we can do for you!

Test Your Website Speed And Performance

The best way to improve your performance is to determine your starting point. Your potential customer does not have the patience to sit around waiting for a slow website to show up on their smartphone or desktop; they want everything immediately. This is why it’s so important to recognize where your site is at currently so you see areas for improvement.

The best way to do that you may ask? Onimod Global’s custom-made digital audit.


Our team offers complimentary digital audits for your company to determine what areas of your current digital marketing strategy needs improvement. Our digital audits measure your organic, paid search and social visibility as well as identify any errors or issues with the website. The audit is to give you a solid grasp of what issues your online business may be experiencing.

The digital audit will include the following:

  • SEO Analysis
  • SEM Breakdown
  • Social Media Influence
  • Website Performance
  • Local Business Optimization

All of these areas are crucial to your success in the digital space which is increasing in traffic daily.

Account managers at Onimod Global work with a wide variety of clients every day, and there is not a single industry we don’t feel confident in creating a marketing strategy for. Not quite convinced? Check out the dozens of case studies on our site by clicking here!


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Simply visit our digital audit page, and enter your information for a complimentary digital audit. We cannot wait to work with you!

Why Website Design Is Important

The digital world is fast-paced and constantly changing which can be extremely intimidating. When it comes to your business, the last place you want to slack is in your marketing. It’s imperative that you stay up to date with the latest trends, and the perfect place to start is with your website. Now you may be thinking ‘How necessary is it to invest in an updated website design?’ We have all of the answers for you, and here a few key components of website development the experts at Onimod Global recommend to focus on.


This can make or break a site, and is possibly the most important component of a site. Think of the times you have been a consumer attempting to visit a site on your mobile device, and it is so glitchy you have to exit in a matter of seconds. It’s how all consumers work, everyone wants easy to find and easy to comprehend. A good tip given by Bop Design is your firm’s navigation should be so intuitive even your grandmother can understand it. Remember that your site is not for you, it’s for the user. Don’t let your personal opinions get in the way of creating a more simple user interface.


This is clearly important because this is how you will convey your brand message and promise to your consumers. Short and to-the-point messages help the reader understand your message much easier. Additionally, more isn’t always better when it comes to content. It’s okay to have empty space on your site, it gives the reader’s eye a break from reading. Another content tip would be to create a blog or a news page on your site. This will help immensely with ranking organically on any search engine. News sections also portray to your consumer that you regularly update news on the industry you work in, and this builds trust with your consumer before you even have conversations with them.


After building and launching a site, the work doesn’t stop there. If your business wants to be growth-driven, that means constant change and updating. Allowing yourself and your site to be able to switch directions easily will help your business always stay relevant. Constantly pushing a site design that isn’t working is comparable to pushing a product that no one is interested in: extremely hard to gain momentum and grow. This is an approach that is common in website development, and it is important to remember that change is a good thing in most cases when it comes to the digital world.

Still Need Convincing?

Here are a few facts from to SMA Marketing to help with your decision:

  • You have 10 seconds to leave an impression and tell them what they’ll get out of your website and company.
  • 44% of website visitors will leave a company’s website if there’s no contact information or phone number.
  • 48% of users say that if they arrive on a business site that isn’t working well on mobile, they take it as indication of the business simply not caring.

More From Onimod Global

If this has sparked an initiative to update your company’s website, the digital marketing experts at Onimod Global would love to assist you in your website development. The conversation is easy to start by clicking here, and we are very much looking forward to hearing from you.

To access our full compilation of news articles, please click here. Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with more digital marketing insights soon!

How to Digitally Optimize Your Campaign for the Hotel Industry

One of the most inspiring aspects of digital marketing is that it can be useful across an incredible number of different industries. Each industry comes with its own unique strengths and caveats, and the industry of hospitality is no different.

Step One: Strategize

Of course, digital marketing success cannot be achieved by simply setting up a campaign through Bing or Google. This action does not make you a search engine marketing expert. In order for any marketing campaign to be successful, there needs to be a certain amount of effort put into formulating a strategy.

This basic and primary phase is so often understated or ignored, and unfortunately this ignorance can cause serious problems down the road. It is not enough to just generate leads. Instead, you should be focused on gaining quality conversions. What is the use in having thousands of respondents who will never actually book a stay in your hotel?

Step Two: Make Use of Your Resources

When it comes to advertising for your hotel, there are many different digital tools that you can utilize. A major advantage to digital marketing is that it gives you the ability to generate quality leads for a relatively low price.

In the world of digital advertising, two major brands dominate; Google and Facebook. These will be your go-to ad platforms as you begin to construct a digital marketing campaign for your hotel.

These two platforms possess several strengths such as:

  • Low cost per conversion.
  • Localized ads to target consumers currently located near you.
  • Mobile ads that appeal to the preferences of consumers today who are looking for ease and convenience in their purchases.
  • Native advertising throughout the regularly used social media and search engines that consumers use in their every day routine.

The list goes on, but these four reasons alone are enough to peak the interest of any hotel brand. There are also many other platforms that your brand can utilize, but these two advertising platforms should serve as a good baseline for your first steps in digital marketing.

Step 3: Review and Revise

It is always important to review a campaign before it is launched. This final step helps to rid the campaign of any minute errors that may not have been noticed the first time around. Taking a second look also provides the marketer with the chance to make sure that all ads align directly with the campaign’s mission. It can be fairly easy for a digital campaign to split off into a slightly different direction as it is making its way through the construction process.

This stage also provides a period in which you can review your other marketing sources and make sure that they are up to date. For example, many brands neglect their website and the incredible impact it has upon their brand. Brilliant and engaging ads will do little to convince a consumer of quality when all ads lead back to a broken and outdated website.

More From Onimod Global

As always, the digital marketing experts from Onimod Global are here to make sure that you receive the best information possible regarding the digital marketing industry. Our content specialists frequently publish new content pertaining directly to industry news and trends.

To access our full compilation of news articles, please click here. Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with more digital marketing insights soon!

4 Warning Signs to Look Out For When Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

Choosing the right digital marketing agency can be a difficult decision, especially since you are trusting an organization with your marketing budget that consists of thousands of dollars. It’s critical to find an agency that understands your business style and knows what’s going on in your industry. Listed below are some warning signs to look out for when in the process of choosing the right digital marketing agency for your business.

1. Unprofessional Website
Coming across a digital marketing agency with a website that is clearly unprofessional and lacks effort is one of the first noticeable red flags. How is an agency supposed to offer superior digital services if their own website looks poor? Some specific aspects to pay attention to when going through an agency’s website include: inconsistent brand images, old copyright date, poor mobile responsiveness, no custom domain name, lack of contact information, and having an overall poor design.

2. Unrealistic Promises
It’s surprising how many agencies are out there who make promises with prospective clients that are too good to be true. Hearing comments like “we guarantee first page rankings tomorrow” or “we have inside sources at Google and other major corporations who work with us” are huge warning signs. Any good agency knows that effective digital marketing strategies usually take time in terms of planning out, implementing, execution, and analysis. Moreover, an agency that guarantees amazing results in a short period of time is most likely unrealistic and probably won’t deliver on the promises.

3. Lack of Communication and Transparency
Communication and transparency are huge when it comes to digital marketing and client satisfaction. According to an article from Forbes, they interviewed members of the Forbes Agency Council and they found that “the biggest calls of distress we heard from potential clients was poor communication from other agencies they hired.” Transparency is also critical, as agencies should always be open to sharing data and whatever else clients want to see that involves their marketing investments. If an agency refuses to give you access to AdWords and Analytics accounts then something is wrong. Also be sure an agency is truthful and has the capability to back up data with legitimate results.

4. Weak Portfolio
Who are the agency’s current clientele and what kind of work have they accomplished for them? Be sure to look out for any references or testimonials and if they’re legitimate or not. Also, when evaluating an agency’s portfolio look for important data like percent increases in page views, leads, organic rankings, conversions, and any other metrics that may be important. However, one of the most important aspects to research in portfolios or case studies is finding out if clients returned a positive ROI. Also try to find out how many clients an agency has and what their retention rates are. In the end, a digital marketing agency that portrays a weak portfolio is one that should be avoided at all costs.

Contact Us
At Onimod Global we are a proven digital marketing agency and know what it takes to fulfill the needs of every client. Check out Our Work and see what digital solutions we have to offer! We look forward to hearing from you!

Top Qualities of a Successful Digital Marketing Agency

What separates a successful digital marketing agency from a mediocre one? Numerous agencies claim they provide the best digital services available and will always go out of their way for client needs, but is this really the case? Listed below are some essential qualities that every digital marketing agency should possess in order to be successful in today’s industry.

Is your current agency available for any needs that arise outside of standard office hours (9-5)? From our perspective, digital marketing is a 24/7 operation and any agency that thinks otherwise is not providing the best service possible. Problems arise, campaigns need monitored, and some industries experience their best business outside of the typical Monday-Friday 9-5 hours. Therefore, flexibility is huge when it comes to digital marketing and if your agency isn’t fulfilling your needs then it may be time to make a change.

Evaluating the previous experience of an agency is a major factor when determining their success. Does the agency have a proven track record? Are their clients legitimate and relevant to your business or industry? Will they address your specific needs? Always be sure to analyze an agency’s portfolio and case studies to determine if their experience matches your needs. View our Case Studies at Onimod Global and take a look at our credible experience in all aspects of digital marketing.

When it comes to digital marketing and working with clients, transparency is a huge quality that clients desire and often expect. An agency demonstrating transparency refers to the clarity of billing, accuracy of data, how campaigns are actually performing, and what’s happening in general. Working with a digital marketing agency that is trustworthy will ultimately lead to better results in the long run. Moreover, transparency is a quality that can never be ignored when evaluating an agency. It separates successful digital agencies from the mediocre ones.

Every agency should be an expert when it comes to SEO, SEM, Social Media, Data Analysis, Website Development, and every other critical component of digital marketing. Is the agency a Google Partner? Are the employees certified in Google AdWords and Analytics? These are important questions to consider when evaluating whether an agency is legitimate or not. All successful digital agencies in today’s industry demonstrate many if not all of these capabilities and always be sure to check out previous work/case studies for reassurance.

Contact Us: At Onimod Global we are a proven digital marketing agency and know what it takes to fulfill the needs of every client. Check out Our Work and see what digital solutions we have to offer! We look forward to hearing from you!