Tag Archive for: seo

Measuring SEO Success

Consistently measuring SEO results and success is crucial to maintaining an effective SEO strategy. But what exactly should you be basing your SEO success off of? With so many different measurement strategies, you need to make sure you’re choosing what’s relevant to your company. What small business consider successful for an SEO campaign, large corporations probably would not.

While all businesses are aware they should be focusing on SEO to generate website traffic, it can still be a struggle to create an effective and comprehensive campaign, especially when it comes to small businesses.

Standard Measurements of SEO Success

Website traffic and conversions are the top two ways businesses measure SEO success. While traffic is important, focusing on that alone puts businesses at risk of missing other crucial metrics. Conversions do often equal success, but it’s almost impossible for a company to have a 100% conversion rate. It also depends on what the company considers a conversion. If it’s an online retail store a conversion is probably a purchase. But often times conversion doesn’t equal new business. For example, an online loan company would consider a conversion someone submitting an application, but what if the application was denied because they didn’t meet the requirements?

The metrics chosen should be relevant and align with your company’s ultimate goals and objectives. The most important aspect to be tracked is overall traffic and conversion quality. Are those coming to your website or filling out forms turning into new and legitimate business opportunities?

Measuring Quality

Time on Page & Pages Per Visit

Depending on what your goal is when a visitor reaches your site, these two things may be beneficial to track. For example, you posted a new blog and you know it takes an average of 3 minutes to read, but the average time visitors spend on that page is only 10 seconds. That probably indicates people are not sticking around to read it. It’s the same with pages per visit. Is the goal to keep users engaged on one page, or is there a final step you want them to reach? If your site’s pages operate independently then this wouldn’t really matter, if not, this may be something you want to consistently track.

Bounce Rate

Bounced sessions indicate that a searcher visited the page and left without browsing your site any further. Bounce rate can determine not only traffic quality, but also quality of the site itself. A high bounce rate can sometimes indicate your website needs improvements. Making it more engaging by including links to other posts or pages is one strategy to keep visitors interested. Though a high bounce rate doesn’t always mean the website needs to be updated. This can also mean visitors are just quickly finding exactly what they needed, such as hours, menus, addresses, etc.

Scroll Depth

Scroll Depth determines how far visitors are scrolling through each individual web page. Are visitors regularly reaching your most important content or the call to action? If not, consider rearranging the content of the page, putting the more important information higher up. Consider the quality of the content as well. While keywords are important and should be included, you don’t want that to be the extent of your content. The information included on the page should be enticing and valuable. Put yourself in the user’s place, what would make you continue to scroll down the page?


Backlink quality is measured by the number of links from websites with high domain authority. While you can’t control all the links that come back to your site, you can target backlink quality by reaching out to other sites that provide domain authority and a new, but similar audience. Keep in mind relevance and novelty. Endorsements from new sites can have a greater impact than repeats. The more relevant the site is to your content, the better endorsement as well.

Putting Your Resources to Use

Google Analytics is a great way to track and measure all of this data in one place. If you already enacted an SEO campaign, you most likely have access to all these capabilities. Google gives you an extensive list of metrics to use, but it can be difficult to know where to start or exactly what the data means. A few places to start could be by tracking isolate organic traffic, page visits, campaign traffic, or click through rates.

How Onimod Global Can Help

As experts in SEO and Google Partners, we know exactly what you should be tracking, and how. As one of our core attributes, we can develop SEO campaigns across all major search engines that deliver increases in organic traffic and natural rankings. We are cross-channel digital marketing experts that work with companies of all sizes, all around the world. Read more about what we do here, or contact us with any questions here.

Challenges Facing In-House Agencies in 2019

An increasing amount of companies are bringing back in-house agencies – such as creative and digital – under the impression it will bring speed and deeper knowledge of brand values. But unfortunately for some, the benefits simply aren’t outweighing some of the risks and pitfalls that come with this strategy.

Why Bring it Back

Over the past decade, we are seeing a trend across the advertising and marketing industry where businesses are increasingly taking marketing matters into their own hands. Cost savings and having more control seem to be the biggest reasons why companies have been transitioning back to in-house agencies.

Many companies also believe that it will help integrate their values and beliefs across all platforms, but as some brands have already demonstrated, this may cause more issues than what the savings are worth.

The Unfortunate Challenges

As Pepsi has recently shown with their Kendall Jennar-starring ad, an in-house team may not always hit the mark. A considerable challenge of using an in-house agency is that it completely eliminates outside perspective, creating tunnel vision. Many criticized Pepsi’s ad to be ‘tone-deaf’ and ‘precisely the opposite of the real-world experience’ that was supposedly being portrayed.

Another downside to going in-house is creating a heavy work overload for the studio teams. Commonly those part of the in-house team are working on multiple other projects at the same time. This can make it difficult for them to make last minute or urgent changes.

With putting a heavy workload on the in-house team comes another great challenge, which is the difficulty of managing the many projects and tasks at hand and the pressures that come along with them.Team members can easily get burnt out, resulting in creative slumps or high staff turn-over.

Benefits of Outsourcing

Although creating an in-house agency may seem like the cost effective decision, outsourcing has more benefits in the long-run and for the company as a whole.

One of the greatest benefits of outsourcing is that you’re guaranteed a team of experts with extensive experience in the marketing field. Not only will they have the best experience, but they have the best tools and technology to go along with it. There is an extensive amount of marketing tools out there, and they can help you quickly identify which will be the most beneficial for your company, saving you an endless amount of time and money.

Another benefit that comes along with using an outside source is a fresh perspective. As previously mentioned, when using a team that work in-office they can get stuck using the same tactics or ideas over and over. Group think and tunnel vision can easily occur as well as falling victim to office politics. It’s always beneficial to have an impartial third party that can bring new and different ideas to the table.

Lastly, you completely eliminate the extensive processes of hiring and training. A good marketing partner will have a strong team committed to making the best decisions for your company. You can immediately start tackling strategy and making improvements rather than worrying about assembling a team of your own.

What We Can Do

Onimod Global can function as your own in-house agency with all the tools and expertise of an outside agency. We offer cross-channel digital marketing campaigns driven by machine learning analytics and human intelligence. Experts in SEO, SEM, website development, automation, manage your marketing 24/7, along with so much more. Check out what we have done for others and can do for you.

How Customer Reviews Can Rev Up Conversions

Whether your business is product or service based, B2B or B2C, great reviews will help smash your conversion goals. It’s time to leverage customer reviews to boost online traffic, sales and revenue. Read more

Why Page Speed Matters and How You Can Improve It

Page speed on your site is defined as the amount of time it takes for your browser to receive a web server’s first byte. One common misconception we see is page speed and site speed being used as interchangeable terms. Site speed is actually the average of sample several pages on a website.


Why Should You Care

The people expect nothing less than your best, and that means going that extra mile to make sure consumers get the helpful and friction-less experience that they want. At the end of the day, faster pages are much more efficient. If your pages are taking more than 3 seconds to load, over 25% of users will click out of your site. According to Google, for every one second delay in page load time, conversions can fall up to 20 percent. This means you are missing out on a large percentage of potential leads, sales, or any other conversion metric.


What’s Slowing You Down

Every page is different and there can always be a variety of areas that need improvement, however there are a few common culprits:

  1. Heavy Page Image: Optimizing images will allow the pages on your website to receive bytes faster, and this makes your page more efficient with a faster load time.
  2. Large Files: We highly recommend a JavaScript compression or a minimization tool to help decrease your download size.
  3. Plug-Ins: Enabling caching with a plug-in allows pages on your site significantly faster. This saves you copies of pages with the same request, which allows your server load in a much more efficient manner.


How We Can Help

Are you on the hunt for someone to build you a brand new site completely optimized for the best SEO and page speed? We have you covered at Onimod Global! We would love to help you and your company succeed, request a quote or contact us here. We can’t wait to here from you!



Why Website Design Is Important

The digital world is fast-paced and constantly changing which can be extremely intimidating. When it comes to your business, the last place you want to slack is in your marketing. It’s imperative that you stay up to date with the latest trends, and the perfect place to start is with your website. Now you may be thinking ‘How necessary is it to invest in an updated website design?’ We have all of the answers for you, and here a few key components of website development the experts at Onimod Global recommend to focus on.


This can make or break a site, and is possibly the most important component of a site. Think of the times you have been a consumer attempting to visit a site on your mobile device, and it is so glitchy you have to exit in a matter of seconds. It’s how all consumers work, everyone wants easy to find and easy to comprehend. A good tip given by Bop Design is your firm’s navigation should be so intuitive even your grandmother can understand it. Remember that your site is not for you, it’s for the user. Don’t let your personal opinions get in the way of creating a more simple user interface.


This is clearly important because this is how you will convey your brand message and promise to your consumers. Short and to-the-point messages help the reader understand your message much easier. Additionally, more isn’t always better when it comes to content. It’s okay to have empty space on your site, it gives the reader’s eye a break from reading. Another content tip would be to create a blog or a news page on your site. This will help immensely with ranking organically on any search engine. News sections also portray to your consumer that you regularly update news on the industry you work in, and this builds trust with your consumer before you even have conversations with them.


After building and launching a site, the work doesn’t stop there. If your business wants to be growth-driven, that means constant change and updating. Allowing yourself and your site to be able to switch directions easily will help your business always stay relevant. Constantly pushing a site design that isn’t working is comparable to pushing a product that no one is interested in: extremely hard to gain momentum and grow. This is an approach that is common in website development, and it is important to remember that change is a good thing in most cases when it comes to the digital world.

Still Need Convincing?

Here are a few facts from to SMA Marketing to help with your decision:

  • You have 10 seconds to leave an impression and tell them what they’ll get out of your website and company.
  • 44% of website visitors will leave a company’s website if there’s no contact information or phone number.
  • 48% of users say that if they arrive on a business site that isn’t working well on mobile, they take it as indication of the business simply not caring.

More From Onimod Global

If this has sparked an initiative to update your company’s website, the digital marketing experts at Onimod Global would love to assist you in your website development. The conversation is easy to start by clicking here, and we are very much looking forward to hearing from you.

To access our full compilation of news articles, please click here. Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with more digital marketing insights soon!

How to Develop the Most Effective Keyword Strategy

The development of keyword strategies has changed drastically over time. Back in the day (AKA 5 to 10 years ago), a common goal among search marketers was to obtain as many keywords as possible. The number of keywords in your account was something to respect about a marketer in that time and today that has remarkably changed. Instead of focusing on the quantity of keywords, the emphasis is centered now on the quality of what keywords you want to target. The experts here at Onimod Global have a few do’s and don’ts you can implement into your keyword strategy.

Do: Identify themes.

Identifying themes for specific pages is crucial. There is only so much room to expand on any existing keywords you have before it just becomes irrelevant to your site and won’t create any relevant traffic or visibility. An example that Search Engine Land suggests is instead of attempting to search for every possible, insanely-specific description of a shirt like “pink polka dotted yellow shirt”, look for other opportunities to branch out. For example, look into different types of shirts such as “sweaters”, “tees”, “blouses”, and so on.

Don’t: Keyword Stuffing.

This is exactly as it sounds, stuffing a bunch of the keyword you’re attempting to rank for in a particular page on your site. Don’t get us wrong; it’s essential to have those keywords on the pages you want to rank for that specific keyword. The key is to find that right amount of using that keyword where you’re still delivering high-quality content. Not only is this pretty unethical, but it also can look like spam and will be treated as such by Google or other search engines.

Do: Utilize meta descriptions.

A meta description is merely a short paragraph that appears on SERP (search engine results page). These can increase your click-through rate if you optimize your keyword in this location. The meta description has virtually nothing to do with ranking in web searches; however, it is helpful with click-through rate which will increase your ranking in the long run.

Don’t: Get caught up in your professional terminology.

This is extremely easy to do, and it can hurt your page ranking on SERP. This is because you can often forget to account for ways that a consumer without your technical knowledge might seek out your product or service. When deciding on keywords you want to target, remember to think like a consumer. For any of you that focus mostly on B2C sales, this is significantly important. An opportunity to take advantage of would be to do market research in focus groups to discover what consumers are wanting or needing your services would search.

Do: Monitor the impact of new keywords.

When adding new keywords, you want to make sure they are adding value to your account. A straightforward way to track this is to label new keywords as they are attached, this way you can quickly give a performance review, whether that be good or bad. Additionally, make sure that a keyword you have added is contributing positively while not taking away from existing keywords. If this is the case, make sure the performance of the account overall is increasing in strength.

Don’t: Duplicate keywords.

Duplicating keywords is another factor in keyword strategy that is a common mistake, but easily avoidable. Broad match keywords don’t rely on which order the terms are in, so keywords that would be considered duplicates are just words rearranged in a search. For example, “charcoal suit jacket” and “suit jacket charcoal” would be viewed as a duplicate and would also compete for the same search. The main thing here is you don’t want to be competing against yourself and spend more on clicks than necessary.

Contact Us

For more information regarding digital marketing expertise, trends and insights, visit the Onimod Global Website. We provide weekly news updates on the latest in the world of digital marketing. Enjoy!

What You Should Know About New Google Maps Local Search Ads

In response to the recent Google Performance Summit, Google made several announcements on how their services will be changing in the months to come. One of the most important announcements included the introduction of new local search advertisements through Google Maps.

What’s The Difference?

Google already provides location based advertisement options in addition to the Google My Business platform, so what exactly is so special about these new local search ads? Well, these new ads will be available in several new formats including:

  • Promoted Pins
  • In-Store Promotions
  • Customizable Business Pages
  • Local Inventory Search

All of these options are meant to drive foot traffic to a physical location. Now, you may be wondering why businesses would be interested in brick-and-mortar stores when e-commerce is on the rise.

Google revealed during their summit that 75% of people who conduct a location based search on their mobile device will then visit that location within 24 hours with 28% of these visits resulting in a purchase.

Bridging The Gap

Clearly, mobile is not be the only concern. What advertisers should focus on is utilizing mobile in order to drive physical visits and purchases. To do this, the business must first be visible in every form possible across the Internet.

These new local search ads will facilitate this need of visibility by providing another dynamic platform on which consumers can find your business. While this new form of local search ads will not make all of your advertising dreams come true, it is certainly a useful tool to have in your arsenal of digital marketing services.

Process Pending

These new ads are only available in a beta form, and are not available to all advertisers. As such, there is little information currently available about these new ads, but one thing that we do know is how Google chooses which local search ads do and do not show through Google Maps.

Google has provided the following factors in regard to what will affect new ad rankings:

  • Location
  • Interests
  • Query Text
  • Search/Browsing History
  • Behaviors
  • Time of Day
  • Demographics

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For more information on the industry of digital marketing, please visit the Onimod Global News Page. Our content creation specialists are constantly producing new and engaging articles that keep you informed of the latest and greatest trends within the digital marketing world. Enjoy!

4 Effective E-Commerce Strategies to Boost Your Local Business

In the competitive world of E-commerce business, organizations are always trying to find tricks and strategies to increase online visibility and stand out from the crowd. Implementing effective E-Commerce strategies is becoming an essential factor for local businesses, and this trend will likely continue with the increasing number of online consumers. So the question becomes: How can local businesses utilize E-Commerce strategies to drive traffic and ultimately increase business?” This post will explore some of those E-commerce tactics that will benefit local businesses.

Major focus on website
Many brick & mortar businesses often times struggle when it comes to investing in a professional website with E-commerce capabilities. However, local businesses must realize that they will likely experience far more visits to their website than the actual storefront. It’s also important to point out that most in-store consumers will actually visit a business’s website prior to entering the store. According to a survey in 2016 conducted by Google, it was found that “58 percent of consumers visited a retailer’s website or mobile application before making an in-store purchase.” Moreover, the importance of E-commerce websites for local businesses is huge, and the investment is most likely worth it in the long run.

Don’t ignore 3rd party listings
Having an E-commerce storefront is a great starting point to drive business. However, 3rd party sites such as Amazon, Ebay, Google Shopping, and many others present a massive opportunity for local businesses to further increase online visibility of products. Although 3rd party organizations obviously take a share of your profit margins, the likelihood of selling a larger quantity of products greatly increases. According to the same 2016 Google survey mentioned previously, “37 percent of consumers visited a non-retailer website before an in-store purchase.” Therefore, the importance of having local business listings on 3rd party E-commerce sites should not be overlooked, as the potential for growth is huge.

Don’t hide important information
It’s clear that consumers typically spend time online before the point of purchase, so providing clear information is essential. A study from the Market Track found that “80 percent of consumers compared prices and product reviews online before buying offline.” However, some local businesses are worried that posting prices and reviews online could have a negative effect on sales and traffic. Not posting prices or reviews is seen as a red flag for many online consumers, therefore many shoppers may put your business out of consideration if important information is missing.

Personalization still key

Regardless of other E-commerce factors, personalization is crucial when it comes to driving traffic and increasing long term sales. In today’s digital world, online visitors enjoy personable experiences catered to their interests and needs. Specific examples of personalized marketing strategies can include remarketing ads, email newsletters, and social media interaction. In the end, personalization marketing helps build strong, lasting customer relationships that will in return generate the possibility of brand loyalty.

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For more information regarding digital marketing expertise, visit the Onimod Global Website. We provide weekly news updates on the latest in the world of digital marketing. Enjoy!

How to Digitally Optimize Your Campaign for the Hotel Industry

One of the most inspiring aspects of digital marketing is that it can be useful across an incredible number of different industries. Each industry comes with its own unique strengths and caveats, and the industry of hospitality is no different.

Step One: Strategize

Of course, digital marketing success cannot be achieved by simply setting up a campaign through Bing or Google. This action does not make you a search engine marketing expert. In order for any marketing campaign to be successful, there needs to be a certain amount of effort put into formulating a strategy.

This basic and primary phase is so often understated or ignored, and unfortunately this ignorance can cause serious problems down the road. It is not enough to just generate leads. Instead, you should be focused on gaining quality conversions. What is the use in having thousands of respondents who will never actually book a stay in your hotel?

Step Two: Make Use of Your Resources

When it comes to advertising for your hotel, there are many different digital tools that you can utilize. A major advantage to digital marketing is that it gives you the ability to generate quality leads for a relatively low price.

In the world of digital advertising, two major brands dominate; Google and Facebook. These will be your go-to ad platforms as you begin to construct a digital marketing campaign for your hotel.

These two platforms possess several strengths such as:

  • Low cost per conversion.
  • Localized ads to target consumers currently located near you.
  • Mobile ads that appeal to the preferences of consumers today who are looking for ease and convenience in their purchases.
  • Native advertising throughout the regularly used social media and search engines that consumers use in their every day routine.

The list goes on, but these four reasons alone are enough to peak the interest of any hotel brand. There are also many other platforms that your brand can utilize, but these two advertising platforms should serve as a good baseline for your first steps in digital marketing.

Step 3: Review and Revise

It is always important to review a campaign before it is launched. This final step helps to rid the campaign of any minute errors that may not have been noticed the first time around. Taking a second look also provides the marketer with the chance to make sure that all ads align directly with the campaign’s mission. It can be fairly easy for a digital campaign to split off into a slightly different direction as it is making its way through the construction process.

This stage also provides a period in which you can review your other marketing sources and make sure that they are up to date. For example, many brands neglect their website and the incredible impact it has upon their brand. Brilliant and engaging ads will do little to convince a consumer of quality when all ads lead back to a broken and outdated website.

More From Onimod Global

As always, the digital marketing experts from Onimod Global are here to make sure that you receive the best information possible regarding the digital marketing industry. Our content specialists frequently publish new content pertaining directly to industry news and trends.

To access our full compilation of news articles, please click here. Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with more digital marketing insights soon!

The Importance of Google My Business for Local SEO Rankings

Google My Business (GMB) is a unique tool that provides local businesses with an opportunity to appear in Google search and map results to essentially increase local SEO rankings. Having a GMB listing and being active is critical in today’s digital world for local businesses in order to stand out from the crowd. Including important business information and images, optimizing your GMB listing, and frequently posting updates will greatly improve a business’s local search visibility. This post will explore the overall importance of Google My Business when it comes to local SEO and outranking industry competitors.

Google My Business Overview
Utilizing Google My Business allows your organization to take charge of what people see when conducting a local search for your business. Google states that “Google My Business gives you the tools to update your listing and engage with customers from your phone, tablet, or computer. All for free.” GMB enables you to update business hours, images, menus (restaurants), locations, have reviews, and now lets you add posts to highlight what’s happening. Moreover, it’s a crucial tool for businesses to increase online visibility so potential consumers can find you.

Setting up and Optimizing Your Google My Business Listing
Just simply setting up a GMB listing is a good starting point, but in a competitive environment you will need to go above and beyond to stand out. The first step to driving in new business is to claim your listing. This will enable your business to update all of the relevant information like location, hours, images, and contact information. A second step is to seek assistance from your customer base regarding reviews and making sure they are positive. A large number of positive reviews can increase the likelihood of ranking higher in search results. Once these initial steps are completed, the next plan should be to develop consistent posts to keep potential consumers engaged about what’s happening with your business. The GMB posting feature allows your business to display deals, events, or important company news. Ultimately, it should be noted that the more time you spend in the Google My Business interface, the better local SEO presence your business will experience.

Advanced Google My Business Optimization Strategies
In addition to the basic GMB optimization tactics previously listed, there are more advanced GMB optimization strategies that will improve local visibility even more. First, the importance of displaying intriguing images often times gets overlooked. Select photos that will stand out and grab the attention of online users to attract more website clicks on your listing. Another important tactic according to digital marketing expert Kevin Gibbons is to “check up on popular times of the day and create SEM or paid social campaigns to drive more visitors during times your business is open but not as busy.” In the end, Google My Business offers an excellent opportunity for businesses to enhance their local online visibility and create a better overall chance to increase both online and in-store traffic.

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For more information regarding digital marketing expertise, visit the Onimod Global Website. We provide weekly news updates on the latest in the world of digital marketing. Enjoy!