There are many steps in the consumer journey. One of the most difficult aspects of marketing is understanding this journey in its entirety. It may not simply be one single ad that inspired a purchase. There may be several interactions that are going unnoticed.
As consumers continually change, we marketers are faced with the task of keeping up. The digital world is incredibly fast paced. Those who are unable or unwilling to move along with trends eventually fall behind. That is why we here at Onimod Global are always doing our best to keep you up to date on the latest trends and topics.
Google Search Data
Big data has been a big topic of discussion for years now. The unlimited potential that exists in the tiny, seemingly insignificant, data that any individual generates on a daily basis is mind boggling. Many marketers are wondering how they can harness this power to better the brands that they serve.
One of the biggest collectors of data is Google. There is truly a wealth of knowledge to be had in the data mines that this search engine giant holds. Most recently, Google has been exploring the concept of “micro-moments”. According to Google, “Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device—increasingly a smartphone—to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something.”
This concept may not seem like much, but Google believes that micro-moments will play an increasingly large role in the life of consumers everywhere. In fact, Google has developed personas to represent the different types of consumers it believes that are represented through these micro-moments.
The Well-Advised Consumer
This type of consumer always does their homework. Whenever they make a decision in their life, big or small, they typically will consult a device first. This could range from anything as simple as a search for a nearby donut shop to a deep dive into the best types of portable bluetooth speakers for under $300.
The Right Here Consumer
Many marketing strategies focus around the idea of personalization. This tactic is touted as a sure fire way to promote better interactions with potential customers. While there is some evidence behind this statement, the method has become so widely used that it is now an expectation of consumers.
Users today do not typically feel the need to enter anything more than “sports bar” when looking for somewhere nearby to enjoy tonight’s game. Instead, they believe that their device and the apps it uses will automatically make an assumption about their location for them. Any sort of site or app that does not comply with this is quickly perceived as irrelevant by the consumer, and repeat usage is unlikely.
The Right Now Consumer
The final persona that Google developed through exploration of micro-moments is the right now consumer. This type of consumer finds satisfaction in things that are most immediate and convenient for them. This trend has become very apparent recently.
Google reports that today, “smartphone users are 50% more likely to expect to purchase something immediately while using their smartphone compared to a year ago.” This means that less time is being spent within the customer journey as users today are more apt to complete a transaction immediately from their device rather than later through non-mobile means.
Final Considerations
What this means for marketers is that they need to pay more attention to these micro-moments in order to better understand their target consumers, and which category each of those consumers fall into. This kind of attention to detail will greatly aid in any marketer’s efforts to better understand the customer journey, which will ultimately lead to better generation of sales.