Tag Archive for: website design

5 Signs Your Website Needs a New Design

In today’s digital world, your website isn’t just a place on the internet—it’s your storefront, your business card, and your best salesperson all rolled into one. But just like a physical store needs a fresh coat of paint and updated displays from time to time, your website might also need a makeover to keep up with the times and meet the expectations of your visitors.

Here are five signs that it might be time to consider a redesign:

1. Outdated Appearance

Think of your website as the face of your business online. If it looks like it hasn’t been touched since dial-up internet was a thing, it could be turning away potential customers. An old-school design can give the impression that your business isn’t up-to-date or reliable. According to a study by Stanford, 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design.

Why it Matters: A modern, visually appealing design not only looks good but also shows visitors that you care about your brand and their experience. It builds trust and encourages them to explore further.

What to Do: Consider updating your design with current trends in mind. Fresh colors, clean layouts, high-quality images, and a cohesive style that reflects your brand’s personality can make a world of difference.

2. Poor User Experience (UX)

Ever been to a store where you couldn’t find what you were looking for, and the aisles were confusing? Websites can feel the same way if they’re hard to navigate or slow to load. If visitors struggle to find information or complete simple tasks, they’re likely to click away. According to fitsmallbusiness.com, the return of investment (ROI) of spending on UX is 9,900%

Why it Matters: A smooth, intuitive user experience keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to spend more time on your site. It’s like guiding them through your store and showing them exactly what they need.

What to Do: Take a step back and look at your website from a visitor’s perspective. Simplify navigation, improve loading times, and organize content so it’s easy to find. The easier it is for people to use your site, the more likely they are to stick around.

3. Slow Loading Speed

In a world where everyone expects things instantly, waiting for a website to load can feel like an eternity. According to Google, 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Slow loading times frustrate visitors and could send them straight to your competitors who offer a faster experience.

Why it Matters: Speed isn’t just a convenience—it’s a big factor in whether visitors stay or leave. A fast-loading site keeps people happy and helps your site rank better in search engines, bringing in more visitors over time.

What to Do: Optimize your website for speed. Compress images, clean up unnecessary code, and consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your site’s content faster. Your visitors will thank you with longer visits and more conversions.

4. Non-Responsive Design

Imagine trying to read a billboard while squinting because it’s too small. That’s how visitors feel when they visit a website on their phone or tablet that isn’t designed to fit their screen. A responsive design adjusts to whatever device someone is using, ensuring a seamless experience.

Why it Matters: More and more people browse the internet on their phones. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on potential customers who will quickly move on to a site that is.

What to Do: Invest in a responsive redesign that adapts your site’s layout and content to different screen sizes. Make sure buttons are easy to tap, text is readable without zooming, and everything works smoothly on every device.

5. Low Conversion Rates

Ultimately, your website should help you achieve your business goals, whether that’s making a sale, capturing a lead, or getting someone to sign up. If visitors aren’t taking action and converting, it’s a sign that something in your design might be holding them back. Businesses that update their website design regularly are 50% more likely to see increased return on investment (ROI).

Why it Matters: A well-designed website guides visitors toward your goals. Clear calls-to-action, easy-to-use forms, and a layout that naturally leads people through the buying process can make a big difference in your conversion rates.

What to Do: Analyze your website’s performance. Look at where visitors drop off, test different calls-to-action, and make sure every page serves a purpose in moving people closer to conversion. A redesign focused on improving these areas can turn more visitors into happy customers.


Your website is your digital handshake with the world. It’s often the first impression potential customers have of your business, and you want to make it count. If you’ve noticed any of these signs—whether it’s an outdated look, frustrating user experience, slow loading times, lack of mobile friendliness, or low conversion rates—it’s probably time to consider a redesign.

Investing in a fresh, user-friendly website not only enhances your brand’s image but also shows visitors that you’re committed to providing them with a great experience. It’s like giving your storefront a facelift to attract more foot traffic and convert more browsers into buyers.

Ready for change? We are your in-house web dev team. Rely on us for new project development or website maintenance. We can do it all – Websites built by a Digital Marketing firm with Search Engine Rankings in mind.

We analyze data from Traffic Sources and Visitor Flow to establish the routes people take to reach you, the devices they use to get there and what they do on your website. Utilizing this information allows us to build highly engaging, search friendly websites for your business.

Contact us today to start giving your website the attention it deserves.

Client Website Launch: Midwest Solar Control

Midwest Solar Control (midwestsolarcontrol.com) is the Midwest’s premier 3M Authorized Prestige window film dealer offering the highest-quality products in the industry. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken Midwest Solar Control to the next level.

To build Midwest Solar Control a highly functional website from scratch with engaging content and an enhanced SEO presence. At the same time we wanted to ensure device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. Midwest Solar Control didn’t just need an appealing website, they needed to showcase their window film expertise and generate as many new business leads as possible.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an effective Website Development and SEO strategy to develop a highly responsive website. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers Midwest Solar Control to attract clients and create a user friendly experience.

Old Website:

Current Website:
Chicago website design agency

Massive Upgrades

  • Enhanced on-page Call to Action Tools
  • Enhanced SEO Presence
  • Custom Design
  • Increased Security
  • Mobile Responsive Upgrade
  • Custom Back-end for easy client-side updates.
  • Clear Navigation
  • Enhanced on-page Menus
  • Advanced Firewall
  • Job Application Portal
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Full-width Image and Transparent Headers
  • Redesigned News section

Contact Us
: If you’re an organization like Midwest Solar Control seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to our expertise at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. Also be sure to check out our other work by viewing our Case Studies!

4 Reasons Why Having a Professional Website is Critical for Any Business

Having a professional website for any business in today’s market is a crucial recipe for success, yet it’s amazing how many organizations have low quality websites or nothing at all. There are multiple reasons why companies should have a professional looking website, and this post will explore a few of them. With our website development expertise and experience here at Onimod Global, here are four reasons why we think professional websites for businesses are critical.

1. Credibility:
A lot of times a potential consumer’s first impression of a business comes from their first visit to a website. Therefore, having an appealing and professional website can “make or break” consumers impressions. Regardless if your organization is superior to competitors or not in terms of a product or service, consumers perceptions may think otherwise when one website is more professional than the other. One final point to make regarding credibility is that it gives a business an opportunity to showcase previous work, who their clients are, and provide convincing testimonials.

2. Cost Efficiency:
Many business owners have the belief that professional looking websites are expensive, therefore not willing to make any investments. This mindset is wrong is so many ways. Yes there are fees involved like hosting, domain, outsourcing expenses, etc. but the investment is a must and not as big as owners believe. Ultimately, refusing to adapt in a digital world by not investing in a professional website is a mistake, as it will end up costing more in the long run.

3. Visibility:
Social media pages and word of mouth advertising are great, but an appealing website will take a business to the next level. Online traffic and the number of daily searches on search engines (Google especially) are through the roof in today’s digital world. Moreover, having a high functioning website will enhance the overall visibility of an organization and greatly increase the ability for potential consumers to find you.

4. Convenience:
In addition to increased visibility, convenience is another reason to invest in a professional website. Smart organizations have figured this out and adapted. Consumers aren’t driving around anymore looking for places to shop for example. Instead they are shopping online or conducting searches on where to go. The accessibility that websites provide for potential consumers is invaluable. Another relevant aspect to point out involves the evolution of smart phones. Smart phones have made online searches as convenient as ever before, so this further proves the importance of having a professional website in today’s competitive market.

Contact Us: If you’re a business seeking an upgrade in website development or any digital marketing service, feel free to reach out to our expertise at Onimod Global. Check out our previous work and case studies by CLICKING HERE. We look forward to hearing from you!

New Client Website Launch: West Suburban Garage Doors in the Chicagoland

West Suburban Garage Doors (westsuburbangaragedoors.com) is a garage door services company serving areas of the Chicagoland including Oak Park, Hinsdale, Elmhurst, Downers Grove, and other cities. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken West Suburban Garage Doors to the next level.

To build West Suburban Garage Doors a highly functional website from scratch with engaging content and an enhanced SEO presence. At the same time we wanted to ensure device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. West Suburban didn’t just need an appealing website, they needed to showcase their garage door expertise and generate as many new business leads as possible.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an effective Website Development SEO strategy and API Integration to develop a highly responsive website. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers West Suburban Garage Doors to attract clients and enable them to become consistent conversions.

Old Website:
West Suburban Garage Doors

Current Website:

Massive Upgrades

  • Enhanced on-page Call to Action Tools
  • Parralex Effect backgrounds
  • Enhanced SEO Presence
  • Mobile Responsive Upgrade
  • Custom Design
  • Enhanced on-page Menus
  • Advanced Firewall
  • Custom Back-end for easy client-side updates. 
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Full-width Image Headers
  • Increased Security
  • Job Application Portal
  • Clear Navigation
  • Redesigned News section
  • 2 Color Transparent Header

Contact Us
: If you’re a ROI driven business like West Suburban Garage Doors seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to us at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!

New Client Website Launch: Woodfield Garage Doors

Woodfield Garage Doors (woodfieldgaragedoors.com) is a garage door services company serving areas of Chicago including Elgin, Mt. Prospect, Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, and other cities. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken Woodfield Garage Doors to new heights.

To construct a highly functional website from scratch with engaging content and an enhanced SEO presence for Woodfield Garage Doors. At the same time we wanted to ensure device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. Woodfield didn’t just need an appealing website, they needed to showcase their garage door expertise and generate as many new business leads as possible.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an effective Website Development SEO strategy and API Integration to develop a highly responsive website. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers Woodfield Garage Doors to attract clients and enable them to become consistent conversions.

Old Website:

Current Website:

Massive Upgrades

  • Enhanced SEO Presence
  • Enhanced on-page Call to Action Tools
  • Parralex Effect backgrounds
  • Mobile Responsive Upgrade
  • Advanced Firewall
  • Custom Design
  • Custom Back-end for easy client-side updates. 
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Full-width Image Headers
  • Increased Security
  • Enhanced on-page Menus
  • Job Application Portal
  • Clear Navigation
  • Redesigned News section
  • 2 Color Transparent Header

Contact Us
: If you’re a ROI driven business like Woodfield Garage Doors seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to us at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!