Tag Archive for: Twitter

Unlocking the Power of Customer Loyalty

Nurturing a loyal customer base is not just advantageous—it’s essential for sustained success.

At Onimod Global, we understand the pivotal role that customer loyalty plays in driving engagement and propelling businesses to new heights. Let’s explore some insightful strategies that can help your brand foster and maintain customer loyalty in today’s digital age.

Social Loyalty: Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Social media has emerged as a formidable force in shaping consumer behavior and influencing purchasing decisions in the digital era. Leveraging social platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram can help amplify your brand’s reach and foster meaningful connections with your audience.

By crafting compelling content that resonates with your target demographic, you can encourage social sharing and spark viral marketing campaigns that drive traffic to your website. Cultivating an active presence on social media enhances brand visibility and cultivates a sense of community and belonging among your followers, fostering long-term loyalty.

Forever Loyal: Cultivating Unwavering Customer Advocacy

True brand loyalists are more than just customers—passionate advocates championing your brand at every opportunity. Cultivating a loyal customer base requires delivering exceptional value, unparalleled customer service, and consistent quality. 

Brands like Amazon have a multifaceted approach that converts loyalty into membership, delivering customers a complete entertainment and shopping experience. This extensive range originates from Amazon’s skill in merging various services under a single loyalty program. It forms an ecosystem that encourages customers to spend more time on the platform, boosting the chances of additional purchases. 

This initiative improves customer retention and cements Amazon as a vital aspect of its members’ everyday routines—just as any exceptional loyalty program should. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and building trust, you can cultivate a devoted customer base that remains steadfast in its support, even in the face of competing offers.

Loyalty Economics: Maximizing ROI Through Customer Retention

Acquiring new customers requires considerable time and marketing resources. However, the true measure of a company’s success lies in its ability to retain existing customers and foster long-term relationships

Investing in loyalty and retention initiatives enhances customer satisfaction and yields a higher return on investment than constant customer acquisition efforts. By enhancing the overall customer experience and delivering personalized solutions, businesses can cultivate loyalty that translates into sustained growth and profitability.

Loyalty Database: Leveraging Data Insights for Strategic Growth

Data serves as the lifeblood of modern businesses, offering invaluable insights into consumer behavior and preferences. By leveraging data analytics to understand the behavior patterns of loyal customers, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies and offerings to meet their needs better. 

A robust loyalty database enables companies to identify trends, predict future behavior, and effectively target high-value customers. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and allocate resources more efficiently, ultimately driving growth.

Determining Improvements: Continuously Evolving to Meet Customer Needs

Continuous improvement is the hallmark of a customer-centric organization. By regularly analyzing customer feedback and performance metrics, businesses can identify areas for improvement and implement strategic initiatives to enhance the overall customer experience

Whether streamlining processes, refining product offerings, or enhancing customer service, a commitment to continuous improvement demonstrates a dedication to meeting and exceeding customer expectations. By embracing a culture of innovation and adaptability, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and retain their competitive edge in today’s dynamic marketplace.

How Onimod Global Can Help: Partnering for Digital Success

We understand that unlocking the power of customer loyalty is essential for driving engagement and achieving sustainable growth. As a full-service digital agency, we craft bespoke strategies tailored to meet clients’ unique needs and objectives. From social media marketing and content creation to data analytics and customer retention initiatives, our digital marketer team is dedicated to helping your business thrive in the digital landscape. 

Final Thoughts

Cultivating customer loyalty is not just a marketing strategy—it’s a mindset that permeates every aspect of your business by prioritizing customer satisfaction, delivering exceptional value, and leveraging data-driven insights. 

At Onimod Global, we’re passionate about helping businesses unlock the full potential of their digital presence and cultivate lasting relationships with their customers. Contact us today to learn how we can help you drive engagement, enhance loyalty, and achieve digital success.

Selecting the Perfect Platform for Your Business

Harnessing the power of social media is vital for expanding your business’s online footprint. However, with the plethora of platforms available, it’s crucial to be strategic and selective rather than spreading yourself too thin. 

While a balanced approach to social media marketing is beneficial, we understand the importance of choosing the right social media platform to fucus on for your unique business needs. Here are our four tips to guide you through the selection process.

Understand Your Company’s Identity

Before diving into the world of social media, take a moment to reflect on your company’s identity and branding. Consider the nature of your business and the image you want to portray. For instance, if you’re a small business specializing in visually appealing products, platforms like Instagram or TikTok may be ideal due to their emphasis on imagery. 

Conversely, if you operate in the B2B sector and offer professional services, LinkedIn could be a better fit. Remember, each platform has its own unique strengths and audience demographics, so choose wisely to align with your brand’s ethos.

Conduct a Competitive Analysis

In a crowded social media landscape, standing out from the competition is essential. Conducting a thorough competitive analysis can provide invaluable insights into what platforms your competitors are utilizing effectively. By studying their presence, you can identify trends, gauge audience engagement, and determine which platforms resonate most with your target demographic. This knowledge will inform your decision-making process and help you carve out a distinct identity amidst the noise.

Familiarize Yourself with Platform Dynamics

Each social media platform operates within its own ecosystem, characterized by distinct communication styles and user behaviors. Take the time to research and understand the dynamics of each platform you’re considering. For example, Twitter thrives on real-time conversations and trending topics, making it ideal for fostering engagement and interaction. On the other hand, LinkedIn caters to professional networking and industry insights, offering a platform for thought leadership and brand credibility. By grasping these nuances, you can tailor your content and engagement strategies to resonate with each platform’s audience effectively.

Align with Your Marketing Strategy

A cohesive marketing strategy is the cornerstone of a successful social media presence. Define your objectives and align them with your chosen platforms accordingly. Whether your goal is to drive brand awareness, generate leads, or provide customer support, select platforms that complement your overarching marketing strategy. For instance, if content sharing and engagement are your priorities, platforms like Facebook or Instagram may be ideal. Conversely, if rapid customer response is essential, consider platforms like Twitter for its real-time communication capabilities.

Final Thoughts

At Onimod Global, we craft bespoke social media strategies tailored to your business objectives. With our knowledge, we can elevate your brand’s visibility and engagement across multiple platforms, helping ensure maximum impact and ROI.

Ready to take your social media marketing to the next level? Start the conversation with our digital marketers today and unlock the full potential of social media for your business growth.

The Role of Social Media Advertising in Driving Business Growth

In the contemporary business landscape, brands must recognize the power of social media. With the correct strategy and execution, social media advertising can be the vehicle that drives your business to the next level. Continue reading below to learn how. 

Social Media advertising has revolutionized how businesses reach and communicate with their customers. But what exactly is it, and how does it boost your business’ revenue? Let’s find out.

Understanding Social Media Advertising

Do you recall the last time you went a whole day without checking your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn? If the answer is no, you’re not alone. Approximately 60% of the world’s population uses social media, and the average daily usage is 2 hours and 24 minutes. Social media has become integral to our lives, shaping how we receive information and connect with others. This digital transformation has made social media an indispensable tool for businesses.

In essence, social media advertising uses social platforms to promote products or services. Businesses pay to display their advertisements, sponsored content, or other promotional material on selected social platforms. The goal is simple: reach a broader audience, engage potential customers, and drive growth. Let’s examine the impact social media has on business growth.

The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Business Growth

Social media advertising brings many benefits to businesses. Firstly, it can increase a brand’s visibility and recognition. Imagine your brand being visible to billions of users worldwide! That’s the potential reach of social media advertising. Your brand gets exposed to a diverse audience, fostering recognition and recall.

Moreover, social media platforms foster improved customer engagement and loyalty. The conversational nature of social media platforms provides a unique opportunity for brands to build meaningful relationships with their customers. Engaging content can spark conversations, promote interaction, and instill loyalty.

Additionally, social media advertising allows for targeted and personalized campaigns. Unlike traditional advertising mediums, social media allows businesses to tailor their ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This personal touch can enhance the customer experience and increase conversion rates.

Just like people have personalities, brands can too. Brand personality refers to the set of human characteristics that consumers associate with a brand. It’s what makes your brand unique and relatable.

Leveraging Social Media Advertising for Business Growth

Not all social media platforms are equal when it comes to ad revenue. An organization should prioritize platforms aligning with its target audience. Here’s a brief overview of some popular social media platforms:

  • Facebook: With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a powerhouse in social media marketing. Its diverse user base and robust advertising options make it ideal for reaching a broad audience.
  • Instagram: Known for its emphasis on visual content, Instagram is a go-to platform for businesses in the fashion, travel, or lifestyle sectors. It’s popular among younger demographics and offers unique features like Stories, IGTV, and Shopping.
  • Twitter: A platform for real-time news and conversations. It’s excellent for customer service, trend-spotting, and participating in industry discussions.
  • LinkedIn: The professional nature of LinkedIn makes it perfect for B2B marketing, recruitment, and thought leadership content.
  • YouTube: As the second largest search engine after Google, YouTube is an excellent platform for video marketing. Tutorials, product reviews, and vlogs are popular content types on this platform.

Content is king, and social media is its kingdom. The quality and relevancy of your content can make or break your social media advertising strategy. It should be engaging, valuable, and shareable to captivate your audience and prompt them to action.

Real-World Examples of Successful Social Media Advertising

The beauty of social media advertising lies in its measurability. The abundance of data available helps businesses understand their audience better, evaluate their strategies, and make data-driven decisions for improvement. 

To truly understand the power of social media advertising, look no further than brands like Airbnb or Spotify. Their creative and engaging social media campaigns have made waves and significantly contributed to their business growth.

  • Airbnb: The success in marketing through social media can be attributed to its ability to harness the power of storytelling and user-generated content. In Q4 of 2016, 77% of the content Airbnb shared on Instagram was user-generated. The outcome of this strategy was remarkable, as 80% of Airbnb’s Instagram engagement stemmed from this user-generated content. By employing these strategies effectively, Airbnb built a strong brand presence, connected with its audience personally, and ultimately drove business growth.
  • Spotify: The company has successfully utilized social media as a powerful marketing tool by building a solid brand persona. They deliver engaging content to their consumers and, in turn, can foster user-generated content, collaborate with influencers, personalize marketing messages, and engage in real-time with their audience. These strategies have contributed to Spotify’s widespread popularity and helped them establish a strong presence in the music streaming industry.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

When it comes to identifying the right target audience, it can be a challenging yet vital task. Striking the right balance between reaching a wide audience and honing in on those most likely to engage with your brand is crucial. Especially when it comes to wasting ad dollar.

Another hurdle to overcome is ensuring content visibility amidst the ever-changing algorithms of social media platforms. These algorithm changes can significantly impact how your content is seen. In order to navigate through these issues, it is essential to stay updated and remain flexible in your approach, adapting your strategy accordingly.

Working with an established digital marketing agency can help you stay ahead of the trends. At Onimod Global, our decades of social media advertising experience can help businesses navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, develop effective strategies, and optimize their online presence. Let us help you leverage your digital platforms’ power and achieve your marketing goals efficiently and effectively.

Final Thoughts

Social media advertising plays a pivotal role in driving business growth. It expands brand visibility, facilitates customer engagement, and offers targeted advertising. However, effectively utilizing this tool requires understanding, strategic planning, and execution.

At Onimod Global, our team is passionate about leveraging our knowledge in social media advertising to drive business growth with modern marketing strategies. Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your business to new heights. 

5 Ways Social Media Can Benefit Your Business

Social media benefits millions of users daily. It’s a goldmine for companies looking to build brand awareness, acquire new customers, and increase customer loyalty.  Here’s how to help ensure you’re taking advantage of social media’s dynamic capabilities. 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not just places for sharing photos and messages but also powerful tools for businesses to promote their brand and connect with customers.

A business without a social media marketing plan is certainly at a disadvantage in today’s digital world. Whether you’re a large B2B enterprise organization or a small e-commerce business, we will explore five ways social media can benefit every part of your company and marketing strategy.

1. Changing Customer Service

Social media has transformed customer service in many ways. Businesses today are under mounting pressure to provide exceptional customer service to their fan base, as negative comments can quickly spread and damage their brand reputation. In the past, customers would have to call a company’s customer service hotline or send an email to resolve an issue. The benefit of social media is that customers can now reach out to businesses through their social media accounts, getting their questions answered and issues resolved easily and faster.

As mentioned, social media also provides a more public forum for customers to voice their opinions, which can be positive and negative. By becoming more accessible, transparent, and interactive, social media allows businesses to build stronger customer relationships. By responding to comments and messages promptly and addressing any issues professionally, companies can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust with their followers.

2. Building Brand Awareness 

In today’s digital age, social media has become essential for businesses to build brand awareness. By creating a solid social media presence, businesses can establish themselves as industry authorities and increase their reach. This is especially important in a competitive market where thousands of competing businesses are fighting for the attention of your potential customers.

By consistently posting high-quality content and engaging with their audience, businesses can stand out and establish a loyal customer base. In addition to increasing brand awareness, social media can help businesses monitor their brand reputation and address any negative feedback. By staying on top of social media conversations, businesses can resolve customer complaints and maintain a positive image.

3. Helping Your Brand Stay Relevant

Social media has become a critical platform for businesses to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world. With trends evolving at lightning speed, social media is where trends are born and spread. To keep up with emerging trends relevant to your audience, it’s crucial to keep your finger on the pulse of social media.

Social media is not just about trends. Social media is a vital component of a long-term brand strategy that helps businesses stay top of mind for years. Brands that ignore or neglect their social media presence risk becoming irrelevant and being abandoned by their communities.

In the face of fierce competition for consumer attention, you must tune into conversations around your brand and industry. Social listening is a valuable tool that allows businesses to analyze what people say about their company. Businesses can build a stronger brand image and foster deeper connections with their customers by engaging with their audiences.

4. Revamping Your Sales Strategy

Social media has become an essential component of a successful business marketing strategy. With the ability to target specific audiences and track engagement and conversions, social media advertising offers a cost-effective way to reach new customers. By creating targeted ads and optimizing them for specific goals, such as website traffic, or sales, businesses can increase their return on investment (ROI) and drive revenue growth. Social media can also nurture leads and build customer relationships through personalized messaging and content. By leveraging the power of social media in their sales strategy, businesses can achieve their sales goals and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

5. Helping Build A Brand Community

Engaging with customers on social media is critical for businesses to stay culturally relevant. According to The Sprout Social Index, 41% of marketers agree brands that actively engage with their communities are culturally relevant. Promptly responding to messages and reviews shows you value your customers’ opinions. With brand community, businesses can build trust and foster deeper connections with their audience.

Social media is another tool that benefits businesses to showcase their personality and humanize their brand. By creating authentic and relatable content and engaging with their followers, businesses can stay relevant and top of mind for their target audience. In today’s digital landscape, where customers have high expectations for personalized and responsive brand interactions, social media engagement is essential for businesses to remain competitive and succeed.

If you’re struggling to connect with your audience, working with a digital marketing agency can help.

Working With Onimod Global

Working with an experienced social media marketing agency can be an invaluable investment if you’re having difficulty connecting with your audience on social media. At Onimod Global, we are experts in providing various digital marketing solutions for every type of business and industry. Our talented social media team excels in content creation, webinar marketing, SEO, and more, as we stay attuned to the latest technological advancements in the digital marketing industry. For a full list of our offerings, see here.

Final Thoughts

]Social media benefits every part of your business, from building brand awareness to improving employee engagement. By creating a social media strategy and leveraging its power, businesses can drive sales, increase customer loyalty, and build a strong company culture.

At Onimod Global, we’re passionate about our experience in brand strategy and social media advertising to help businesses succeed with modern marketing strategies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help elevate your business to the next level.

Twitter Analytic Tips for 2023

Twitter is a social media app that helps people stay up to date with current events happening across the world in real-time. This app is unique because of the way it encourages conversation and engagement. For many brands, Twitter can be a great marketing tool when used the right way.

If you’re looking to drive engagement with organic and paid posts, its essential to have an understanding of Twitter analytics.

Here are some tips to help you boost engagement and brand awareness.

Know Your Followers

Knowing your audience is the key to creating content that resonates with them.

Knowing their social media demographics (gender, age, language, income and location) is just the beginning. You also want to know what they like – what kind of content they engage with, what kind of language they use when they talk about it, etc.

You can find out all this information on your Twitter dashboard. You can also target your audience based on their preferred device, behavior and interests. You can even find followers of similar accounts who may be interested in following you!

What Tweets Are Working?

When you’re running a business, it’s important to have an understanding of what your audience likes. Engagements on Twitter include follows, retweets, favorites, replies, URL clicks, media views, hashtag clicks, and mention clicks. You’ll find impressions, engagements, and engagement rates on the Tweets tab. If you keep an eye on which tweets are achieving the most engagements over time (and which are not), you’ll be able to target your content accordingly and develop a closer connection with your followers.

Knowing When to Tweet

When it comes to Twitter, the best time to post varies from person to person. We’ve found that different days and times get more engagement than others, so it’s important to try a variety of posting days and times to see what drives engagement for you.

We’ve put together some general guidelines for the best times to post on Twitter, but keep in mind that geographic data can also inform the optimal time to tweet specific content. Twitter can analyze your data and suggest the optimal time to tweet for maximum engagement.

However, don’t let this information dictate your frequency! It’s still a good idea to post at least once a day and keep the volume of tweets more or less steady so your audience can become accustomed to the frequency of your posts.

Measure Your Performance

As you can see, Twitter advertising is a great way to get your message out to a large audience.

But what if you want to compare your Twitter ads against your regular posts?

You can do that by going to the top right of the Tweets tab and clicking on ‘promoted’. This will show you how your paid posts did from an impression and engagement point of view. Note that this data is not kept forever so be sure to download your data if you want to keep a longer-term performance record.

Final Thoughts

No matter how great your Twitter feed, there’s always room for improvement. By using our Twitter analytics tips regularly, you’ll soon see what strategies work best and which ones can be dropped.

At Onimod Global, we have extensive experience in all things social media. Our team knows how to write engaging copy that will get people talking—and we know how to create visuals that will get them clicking.

If you’re looking to revamp your social media efforts for 2023, give us a call or contact us today.

Tips for Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

Social media advertising can be a powerful tool for growing your company’s online presence. But it isn’t necessary to advertise on every single social media platform.

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking to expand your existing presence, it’s important to pick one platform and get it up and running successfully before opening another one. So how do you go about choosing which social media advertising platform is the right choice for your company?

Here are some tips from Onimod Global.

Consider your Company

When choosing a social media platform, it’s important to take into account the type of business you are and how you want your brand to come across.

For example, a small business that sells handmade products may find Instagram or TikTok more appealing because they are visual platforms. However, if your company is B2B and sells software or services, LinkedIn might be a better fit.

Each channel has its pros and cons. For example, Instagram is great for building brand loyalty among consumers but doesn’t have the same professional appeal as LinkedIn. Similarly, LinkedIn has an excellent reputation for helping businesses grow but some people don’t enjoy using it as much as others.

The point is: you have options! The key is finding the right match for your business’s needs.

Research your Competitors

Social media is a crowded place.

You can’t afford to not be on social media, but you also can’t afford to look like everyone else. That’s why it’s important to conduct a competitive analysis when developing your social media strategy.

A competitive analysis will give you insights into the competition that will help you:

  • Understand what platforms they’re using (and how well they’re using them)
  • Know what’s working/not working for them
  • Understand how engaged their audience is on each channel

Understand Platforms and their Use

When you’re looking to expand your company’s social media presence, it’s important to do some research on each platform. Each network has its own personality, and the more you understand about how the network works, the better you can tailor your content for that platform.

For example, Twitter is great for conversations and trending topics. LinkedIn is good for sharing professional expertise and company information. Snapchat was the first to introduce disappearing posts, but Instagram Stories are equally ephemeral.

By taking some time to understand the channels you’re considering—and their communication protocols—you will not only help pick the best platform(s) for your company, but also avoid communication faux pas that could alienate potential customers or clients.

Align Social Media with your Marketing Strategy

It’s absolutely essential to any good marketing strategy to know why you’re on social media in the first place. If you want to share content and engage with your followers, there are several platforms that will benefit that strategy depending on the type of content you share. However, if customer support is a top goal for you, Twitter and Facebook should be on your consideration list before Instagram.

Contact Onimod Global

Digital Marketing across multiple social platforms allows us to create visibility for your company in the places your customers are searching, interacting and engaging on social media properties. If you’re looking to take your social media marketing strategy to the next level, Onimod Global can help.

Schedule a consultation with our digital marketing pros here today!

How To Effectively Use Hashtags on Social Media

Promoting your brand on Social Media is paramount nowadays. And hashtags are an extremely effective tool when used correctly. Let’s delve a little deeper into the world of the previous pound sign (#) and how it can captivate audiences in 2022.

Hashtags can be one of the best way to make your content available in other realms of the social media world. The history of hashtags and their origin stem from Twitter and slowly began to grow across the board on other social media outlets.

Here’s a look at how to properly use hashtags to help people find your topics and expand your audience.

What are Hashtags?

By definition a hashtag is a keyword phrase or word preceded by a hash symbol (#). It’s used all over social media nowadays within the body of a post. The purpose of the hashtag is to bring attention to your posts in order to create interaction with new potential followers. When using a phrase as a hashtag, you spell it without spaces i.g. #onimodglobal.

Hashtags can include numbers but it cannot use symbols or punctuations. Beginning middle, or end you can place a hashtag in the body of your social media post or within the comment section. When you utilize this strategy it can help people who don’t follow you to find your content.

Why are Hashtags Important?

Hashtags are important for the sole purpose of your content being found by the right people. By using hashtags that are relevant to your business or the services you provide it can help drive your content to the right people. When this happens, you will have traffic to your content that will in turn boost your views, likes, and shares.

However, using them only makes a difference in your social media strategy when it’s done the right way. Here are some hashtag tips:

  1. Don’t get carried away with hashtags – The number of hashtags you can use depends on which platform you are using. Twitter would be a great example where one to three hashtags will have more of an impact opposed to using lot of them.
  2. Keep hashtags short and memorable – It’s in best hashtag practice that you don’t use a lot of words within a tag. A great example of this would be hashtag activism campaigns. The summer of 2020 was huge for the #BlackLivesMatter movement in America, and is still widely used within social media today.
  3. Don’t choose hashtags that are too obscure – If you choose a tag that no one is going to search for, it won’t benefit your marketing efforts.

Create your Own Hashtag Strategy

Anyone can create their own hashtag strategy. While there are many ways you can go about this, the best way is to choose specific hashtags whenever possible. The more specific you can get, the more likely you are to attract a targeted audience. Another strategy is using capital letters at the front of each word. This clarifies what you are trying to communicate.

Your competition is more than likely already using hashtags within their social media strategy. How successful are they at engaging your mutual audience? Pay attention to how much or how little they use hashtags and what the response is.

A successful hashtag strategy starts with knowing your audience and taking the time to become familiar with what works on each platform. With that knowledge in hand, you will continue to learn what works and what doesn’t, by using hashtags as part of your social media strategy and analyzing your results.

Overall, hashtags are a great tool for communicating with your followers as well as increasing engagement and attracting new customers.

Last Thoughts

Whether you’re new to social media or have been around it for a while, you can greatly benefit from learning a trick or two about hashtags. From Facebook to Instagram and Twitter, you will understand how to drive engagement and extend reach.

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Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. If you’re looking for assistance with your content marketing or any other areas of digital marketing, contact us today!

Social Media Strategy: Where You Should Start

Has the current pandemic catapulted your small business into the world of social media advertising and e-commerce? In what is already an overwhelming time, starting from scratch on how you’re advertising your small business may seem like too much to take on. Onimod Global is here to help with a guide of where is the best place to start from scratch with a social media strategy.

Audit your current social presence.

Before you are in too deep strategizing about where you need to go, take some time to evaluate where you currently are.

  • Which networks are you currently active on?
  • Are your current platforms optimized (images, URL, bio, etc.)?
  • Which are the most successful for you?

Onimod Global offers a free digital audit that measures your online success in terms of SEO, social media influence, local business optimization, SEM breakdown, and more. Check it out further and get your very own custom digital score.

Define your type of business and ideal customer.

Are you service or product based? Are you primarily B2B or B2C? These are very important questions to determine which socials you need to be focused on creating content and advertisement campaigns for. Every business is unique, but there are industries that perform well on certain social channels versus others. For example, B2B businesses can focus more efforts on social media channels such as LinkedIn and YouTube versus Facebook. These platforms will give you the opportunity to reach your target market in a more direct way. For example, if your company is selling a type of consultancy service, your content is a better match to a professional networking channel such as LinkedIn. B2C businesses, where you’re selling a product or service to anyone and everyone, this can be very successful on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. On these channels, you are able to show your product and service to a target audience that is more likely to convert into sales.

Even the best marketers will fail if they are marketing to the wrong audience. Use the following criteria to help you come up with a highly focused persona of a potential customer:

  • Age
  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Pain points (where your business offers their solution)
  • Most used social network

Create useful and engaging content.

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet.” – Bill Gates

This is arguably the most attractive step of creating your social media strategy. From this post, you now know there are several steps that take place before getting to this point. Your social media content needs to always have a purpose behind it. Decide in your team what your mission is for social media. For example, it could be informing and educating your customers on the respective industry and its services. This ensures the content you curate will be attractive and engaging to your audience.

Here are a few examples of content that you can create:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Interviews
  • Company News
  • Infographics

Remember that quality content is far more important than the quantity of what you post. However, it is crucial that you consider creating high quality, engaging content as a top priority. Experts at Onimod Global strongly recommend creating a content calendar with specific topics and types of content. This will also serve of great use when looking back on the month and reviewing the performance of your content.

Track and analyze.

This is the most important step, a lot of content creation is about trial and error. Let all of your decisions, both in content and in your business in general, be data driven. Social media strategies are never set in stone, make sure you are always evolving.

Are you in need of more assistance with your social media strategy? Onimod Global is here to help with a custom social media strategy and content plan.  Check out the dozens of case studies on our site by clicking here!

More from Onimod Global

Make sure to stay tuned to Onimod Global news for part 2 of this week’s series and learn all about e-commerce and online marketplaces going live Thursday. To catch up on the latest digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.



Twitter Marketing: Is it Right for Your Brand?

Twitter has proven to be an incredibly powerful marketing tool for certain brands. It can be a great platform to increase awareness, engage with customers, and grow your business, but it isn’t right for everyone. Each social network is unique in its targeting, reach, and overall marketing abilities. When making the decision whether or not a specific platform is right for your business, an analysis of both yourself and the platform needs to be done.

What to consider before marketing your business on Twitter: 

Are you B2C or B2B? 

This is one of the most important factors that should go into developing a social media marketing strategy. In general, those searching on social media are at the very top of the sales funnel, but there are exceptions. Twitter is usually best for B2C companies, but it can work for B2B companies with the appropriate tactics. It’s becoming a central discovery hub for consumers, making it a great platform for displaying expertise, products, and creativity. News, retail, e-commerce, fashion, finance, travel, hospitality, sports, health and wellness are some of the top performing industries on Twitter. 

Who is your audience? 

This is the number one thing that should be considered before deciding to join any social media platform. If your ideal audience is millennials, Twitter is a strong choice, as 40% use it. As age increases, the percentage of use decreases. 27% of 30 – 49 year olds are users and 21% of 50 – 64 year olds are users. That doesn’t necessarily mean Twitter is a bad platform for reaching an older audience. It just means your actual strategy on Twitter would be different. It’s also important to note that 42% of users access the site daily

What is your brand’s persona? 

Establishing a well-defined brand voice is essential for Twitter strategy. Brand voice should be original, convey a message, reflect core values, and resonate with your audience in a personal way. Companies that convey their Twitter account in a lighthearted way generally have a leg up than those that keep it serious. Twitter users are most encouraging, engaging, and creative of all other social networks. Content that’s fun, snarky, and relaxed will always perform better on this platform. This also goes into deciding whom will be doing the tweeting for your company. It is possible to have more than one person running the account, but it’s essential to make sure they’re all in sync. 

What is your overall social media goal? 

If you only want to use Twitter to gain followers, promote yourself, and don’t care about what others have to say, it’s probably not the platform for you. This isn’t an account you can just put on autopilot. Regular engagement and interaction is vital for Twitter success. Scheduling tweets and never checking back is a huge missed opportunity. To maximize reach and keep your audience engaged it’s essential to check activity often, retweet relevant content, and jump in on trending conversations. Twitter is best for building relationships with customers, as it’s one of the most personable social platforms. Many companies utilize it for customer service inquiries, as it’s the best means of contact for many reasons. There are no hold times, it’s more informal, it’s public, and it’s in real time. Companies have the opportunity to respond to complaints immediately, which means problems can be solved that much faster. Since other users can see this happen as well, it showcases excellent customer service and may even save you from repeating them in the future. 

Final Thoughts 

Twitter can be a great platform for marketing and presents unique opportunities for both companies and customers, though it’s not for everyone. It’s simple to use, but takes frequent attention. Finally, it’s important to note that Twitter, just as all social media, is not an ultimate marketing solution. It should be used as a tactic, working in conjunction with other tools to support your overall marketing strategy. 

How We Can Help 

At Onimod Global we are experts in social media marketing. We know which platforms are best for brands, and create visibility for brands where customers are searching, interacting, and ultimately converting. Find out more about we do here, or contact us today here.

How to Optimize Your Dark Social Usage

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