10 Best Practices for Managing Your Brand’s Online Reputation

Managing your brand’s online reputation is crucial in today’s digital age. A strong online reputation can help build trust, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. Here are some best practices for effectively managing your brand’s online presence:

1. Monitor Your Online Presence

Regular Monitoring: Use tools like Google Alerts, Mention, or Hootsuite to keep track of your brand mentions across various platforms. Regularly monitor social media, review sites, and industry forums to stay updated on what is being said about your brand.

Sentiment Analysis: Utilize sentiment analysis tools to gauge public perception and identify potential issues before they escalate. Understanding the general sentiment towards your brand can help you proactively manage your reputation.

2. Engage with Your Audience

Respond Promptly: Address customer feedback promptly, whether positive or negative. Timely responses show that you value customer opinions and are committed to providing excellent service.

Personalized Responses: Craft personalized responses rather than generic replies. This adds a human touch and shows genuine concern, making customers feel heard and appreciated.

3. Encourage Positive Reviews

Ask for Feedback: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Trustpilot. Make the process simple and accessible by providing direct links or reminders. According to Podium, 93% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions.

Show Appreciation: Thank customers who leave positive reviews. This not only shows appreciation but also encourages further positive engagement. Publicly acknowledging positive feedback can also attract potential customers.

4. Address Negative Feedback Professionally

Stay Calm and Professional: Respond to negative feedback professionally and empathetically. Avoid getting defensive and strive to resolve issues amicably. A well-handled negative review can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one.

Take Conversations Offline: If a situation is complex, suggest moving the conversation to a private channel to resolve the issue more effectively. This can prevent public disputes and demonstrate your commitment to resolving customer concerns.

5. Create and Share Valuable Content

Content Marketing: Regularly publish high-quality content that showcases your expertise and provides value to your audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. Content marketing not only enhances your reputation but also improves your SEO.

SEO Optimization: Ensure your content is optimized for search engines to improve visibility and attract organic traffic. Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and high-quality backlinks to enhance your online presence.

6. Maintain Consistent Branding

Brand Voice and Tone: Maintain a consistent brand voice and tone across all platforms. This helps build a recognizable and trustworthy brand identity. Consistency in messaging reinforces your brand values and makes your communications more impactful.

Visual Identity: Ensure your logo, color schemes, and overall design are consistent across your website, social media, and other online platforms. A cohesive visual identity reinforces your brand’s professionalism and reliability.

7. Leverage Social Proof

Showcase Testimonials: Display customer testimonials and case studies on your website and social media. This builds credibility and trust, as potential customers are more likely to trust peer reviews over marketing messages. According to BrightLocal, 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values. Their endorsements can significantly enhance your reputation and reach. Influencers can provide authentic reviews and help you tap into new audiences.

8. Regularly Audit Your Online Presence

Comprehensive Audits: Conduct regular audits of your online presence to identify any inconsistencies or areas for improvement. This includes reviewing your website, social media profiles, and online listings.

Update Information: Ensure that all business information, such as contact details and operating hours, is accurate and up-to-date across all platforms. Inaccurate information can frustrate customers and damage your reputation.

9. Implement Crisis Management Strategies

Preparedness Plans: Develop a crisis management plan to address potential PR issues swiftly and effectively. This should include predefined responses and a communication strategy. Being prepared can help you mitigate damage and restore trust quickly.

Transparency: In a crisis, be transparent with your audience. Admit mistakes, outline corrective actions, and provide regular updates. Transparency can help rebuild trust and demonstrate your commitment to accountability.

10. Educate Your Team

Training Programs: Conduct regular training programs for your team on best practices for online reputation management and customer service. A well-informed team can better handle customer interactions and contribute to a positive brand image.

Empower Employees: Empower your employees to act as brand ambassadors, encouraging them to share positive experiences and content related to your brand. Employee advocacy can enhance your reach and credibility.


Managing your brand’s online reputation effectively requires a proactive approach and consistent efforts. By monitoring your online presence, engaging with your audience, and implementing these best practices, you can build and maintain a positive reputation that enhances customer trust and loyalty.

Your brand and company’s creativity speak to the world, which is why at Onimod Global, we understand the importance of online reputation management. We offer invaluable high-end design and branding for your business. Visual identity and marketing materials are our specialty.

Contact us today to enhance your brand’s presence, engage your audience, and elevate your business to new heights. Our team is ready to help you make a lasting impression.

The Value of Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising has become a vital tool for businesses in today’s digital age. With billions of users on social media platforms, companies must understand its benefits and how it can generate revenue. 

Understanding the power of social media can make a difference in driving success. In this blog, we will explore the importance of social media and how companies can leverage it to achieve their goals. Let’s dive in and explore the value of social media for your business. Here’s what you need to know.

Why is Social Media Important?

Social media has become an increasingly essential tool for businesses in today’s digital age. According to Statista, social media advertising spending in the U.S. will reach over $94.4 billion in 2023. Social media advertising spending will hit $122.2 billion by 2026. This trend shows no signs of slowing down. With the increasing number of social media users, it’s clear why brands need to prioritize their social media presence.

In today’s competitive marketplace, a solid social media strategy is now optional but essential for businesses looking to succeed. By 2027, nearly 6 billion people will be using social media worldwide. As such, social media provides businesses an outstanding opportunity to connect with a large audience. 

By leveraging social media platforms, companies can engage with their customers personally, build brand authority, and generate leads and revenue. It’s a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience and foster customer relationships. Let’s take a look at who uses social media.

Who’s On Social Media?


Businesses must understand the demographics of their target audience when crafting their social media advertising strategies. According to HubSpot, marketers primarily target younger generations, with 84% targeting Millennials, 52% targeting Gen X, and only 22% targeting Gen Z. Meanwhile, Baby Boomers only make up 14% of the target audience for social media advertising.

The Digital 2023: Global Overview Report reveals that women tend to spend more time on social media platforms than men. The report also showed a decline in social media usage across all genders as they age. Consequently, businesses should consider these demographics when creating their social media campaigns to ensure their content resonates with their target audience.

By understanding different demographics’ social media habits and preferences, businesses can create targeted campaigns that engage and convert their desired audience. With social media advertising spending projected to continue increasing, ensuring your brand’s message reaches the right people at the right time is essential.

Engage On Social Media

Social media offers businesses an unprecedented opportunity to engage with their customers personally. By leveraging social commerce, you can attain the following:

  • Interact with their clientele.
  • Create a sense of connection.
  • Drive engagement through feedback or comments.

However, businesses must create compelling content that resonates with their audience to make the most of social media engagement. Relevant posts, videos, and images will generate positive reactions, encouraging engagement and sharing. 

By thoughtfully planning and executing your social media strategy, you can build a loyal following, increase customer retention, and more. If you haven’t already, it’s time to start engaging with your customers on social media!

Building Brand Awareness Across Multi-Platforms

Establishing brand awareness is paramount to maintaining a solid online presence. According to research, 76% of consumers claim that content significantly influences purchasing decisions. People trust others; customer reviews and testimonials can help build trust and influence purchasing decisions.

Social media gives businesses an authentic way to showcase their brand and build trust with their audience. By sharing content featuring real people who love their products, companies can demonstrate their value and establish a loyal customer base. Building brand awareness through social media is crucial in today’s digital age. Businesses can build trust, establish brand authority, and drive sales by leveraging social media to showcase their products and engage with their audience.

Let’s take a look at some social media platforms that can help build brand awareness.

Social Media Platforms

Choosing the best channels for your business can be confusing at the beginning. There are a lot of platforms out there to choose from. Depending on the type of business you are in, you may be making a mistake by not being present on all of the platforms. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the most popular platforms businesses use today.

Instagram: This is a great visual platform. It’s a great platform to showcase products and connect with influencers to grow your customer base. 41.5% of Meta’s revenue will come from Instagram in 2023, and its ad revenues are growing faster than Facebook. With over 1.3 billion users worldwide, it’s a platform to have a presence on.

Facebook: Is one of the biggest social media platforms and the oldest around. Facebook offers a targeted way to engage with prospects and customers.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the place to be for B2B businesses and provides opportunities for B2C too. Businesses can connect in the B2B space organically and through paid advertising. Content that works well on this platform is blogs, white papers, eBooks, and industry-related content.

Twitter: Twitter is a real-time platform, meaning your content should be timely and relevant. It can be an excellent customer service channel for brands as it allows quick replies, and its hashtags help discover new and trending content.

Creating a Strategy That Works

It’s not enough to simply have a presence on social media; businesses must create a strategy that works. This involves identifying the right social media platforms to target your audience, crafting engaging content that resonates with followers, and consistently adapting your approach based on data and feedback. By taking a thoughtful and intentional approach to social media, businesses can build a loyal following, increase brand awareness, and drive sales.

At Onimod Global, we’re passionate about our experience in brand strategy and social media advertising in order to help businesses succeed with modern marketing strategies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help elevate your business to the next level.

What is Social Selling?

In 2023 cold calls simply don’t cut it anymore. As the digital landscape evolves, businesses are turning to social media to reach and engage with new customers. And while social selling has been around for a few years now, many organizations are missing out on this new marketing strategy. 

With more consumers turning to the internet to find products and information, businesses that are not utilizing social selling are missing out on valuable opportunities. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of social selling in today’s business environment and provide practical steps for implementing a successful strategy.

Get ready to level up your marketing strategy and tap into the power of social media.

What is Social Selling?

Increasingly, the opinions of our social network and other consumers factor into our buying decisions.  Research shows Millennials and Gen Zers are 4.1x more likely to say that user-generated content (e.g., product reviews, photos, or testimonials from other customers) is important when they’re considering a purchase. In this era of hyper-connected customers, social selling takes on a new prominence.

Social selling involves utilizing digital platforms to reach potential customers and establish connections. This method is a crucial tool for sales professionals seeking new leads and connections with relevant individuals.

A report conducted by LinkedIn’s “Global State of Sales 2022”, estimated one-third of sellers have successfully closed deals worth over $500,000 without physical interaction with the buyer. Additionally, 89% of customers are more likely to consider a brand if the seller demonstrates a change in their approach.

So how do you become a social seller? If your business and sales employees are already using social media, their best bet is to leverage those networks as sales channels.

Choose Your Network

When it comes to social selling, not all social networks are equal. Different social networks have different strengths and weaknesses, and what works for one business may not be effective for another. To maximize your results, it’s essential to understand the unique features and demographics of each social network and tailor your approach accordingly.

For instance, if your business operates in the B2B space, LinkedIn may be the most effective platform for making connections with other businesses. On the other hand, if you want to find and follow people in your industry, Twitter may be a better option. It’s important to look at engagement rates and determine where your target audience is active to make informed decisions about which social networks to use. By doing so, you’ll be able to reach the right people and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Make a Target List & Know Your Audience

Knowing your target audience is key to successful social selling. To get the most out of your efforts, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the companies or individuals you want to connect with. Creating a list of these target prospects can help you focus your efforts and ensure that you’re spending your time and resources on the right people.

When creating your target list, consider factors such as industry, job title, location, and size of the company. Having a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile will allow you to craft a messaging strategy. This will resonate with your target audience and help you build meaningful relationships. By taking the time to identify and understand your target audience, you’ll be able to maximize the return on investment of your social selling efforts and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Post Relevant Content and Be Consistent

Content is a crucial component of any social selling strategy. By finding and sharing relevant and interesting content with your target audience, you can position yourself as a trusted resource and establish credibility with your prospects. This content doesn’t have to be directly related to your company or products, but it should be relevant and of interest to your target audience.

Sharing media articles, podcasts, webinars, and other resources can help you demonstrate your expertise and provide value to the right people. By doing so, you’ll be able to build trust, establish relationships, and create opportunities for engagement and sales. Remember, the goal of social selling is to provide value and help your prospects, not to push products or services. By focusing on adding value, you’ll be able to achieve better results with your social selling efforts.

Implement Social Listening Tactics

Social listening is a valuable tool for businesses looking to stay informed about what’s happening in their industry. By implementing social listening, you can see what customers are saying and keep an eye on your competitors. This can help you stay ahead of any emerging trends. It can also help you resolve issues in a timely manner. Staying informed and engaging with your audience will allow you to build stronger relationships. Eventually it will lead to better results with your social selling efforts.

Final Thoughts

Social media continues to play a significant role in the sales process and companies need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in order to succeed.  With the right marketing strategy (and agency) in place,  you can help drive growth and increase revenue.

At Onimod Global, we are dedicated to helping businesses achieve success with their modern marketing strategies. Whether you need help identifying and targeting your ideal audience or creating valuable content to engage with potential clients, our team has the expertise and experience to help you reach your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with your 2023 digital marketing marketing strategy.

Top Four Digital Marketing Trends For 2023

The future of digital marketing is here, and it’s happening faster than you think.

Many businesses are already mapping out their digital marketing plans for 2023 and beyond. Smart businesses are looking for the latest trends to incorporate to maximize their results and impact. Here are some of the biggest trends impacting digital marketing that can help grow your business success.

1. Metaverse

A lot of businesses are excited about the metaverse, but for most companies it’s still too early to jump on board.

The metaverse is a broad term that describes a variety of immersive virtual experiences taking place online, usually with others. Starbucks, Nike and countless big brands have announced metaverse experiences. Even though there is a lot of excitement for the metaverse, most businesses don’t have practical use cases (or return on investment) just yet.

2. Customer Experience

It’s no secret that algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing digital marketing. But what you might not know is that most of these changes are focused on one thing: providing a better user experience.

For example, search engine optimization (SEO) updates this year focused on providing the most helpful content to users. In other words, they were optimized for the same thing as all other algorithms and AI—to create a better user experience. So how do you beat the algorithms and delight your customers? Focus more on their experiences!

3. Short Videos

This has been a steadily increasing popular trend over the years. Tiktok and Instagram reels have just made it easier to create and upload a video on your feed. Businesses are always looking for ways to stay relevant. And one of the best ways to do that is by appearing in the channels and formats where their customers are. The good news is that short video formats are making their way into social media management tools and schedulers, so it will become easier for businesses to plan and post in 2023.

4. Clear and Concise Messaging

The average attention span is down to 8 seconds. That means you have about the same amount of time to earn someone’s attention on mobile devices as you do to get your cat’s attention. But if you’re a business, that means you have an even bigger challenge than ever before: You need to be able to communicate in short, quick soundbites in order to gain attention on mobile devices.

So what can you do now? Spend more time crafting shorter, simpler messages. Take your marketing and brand priorities and sound-bite them into short sentences or quick ideas. Challenge yourself to copy popular short video formats and shorten your messages.

Final Thoughts

As 2022 comes to a close, it’s important to have a sound digital marketing strategy in place for 2023. The good news is Onimod Global has you covered for all things marketing. With over 13 years of experience we provide our clients with an array of services that can help ease the load off overwhelmed and overburdened marketing departments.

From content creation and press releases, to innovative SEO strategies and automation & analytics, we have you covered. Need help applying the latest marketing trends to your strategy? Contact us today.

Best Practices for Great Landing Pages

What makes a landing page great? The primary goal of a landing page is to nurture customers who aren’t ready to buy – yet. And show them how your company can provide them value in that area of curiosity. Great landing pages are essential to any business because they help drive sales to your product and services as well as boost customer experience.

Let’s take a look at how you can implement Onimod Global’s tips to make a great landing page.

Crafting Good Headlines

A headline is one of the first things that a user will see when they click on a landing page. With this in mind, it’s important to write headlines that sell. Here’s are a few tips on how to create a compelling headline for your website:

1. Don’t be ambiguous. Your headline should sum up the content of your video in an engaging, concise and eye-catching way.

2. Make sure it conveys the benefits of your offer. This will make users more likely to stay on the page and act on the call to action.

3. Keep in mind that an optimized page title can also help you rank better in the search engines. Having an indexed landing page on your site that is keyword optimized raises its visibility for that particular query.

4. Finally, make sure your headline for your landing page matches the headline of your email, ad, SEO copy, etc. for a seamless user experience

Having Separate Landing Pages For Different Campaigns

Message matching is an important part of a great user experience.  Message matching is defined as, matching the heading of your landing page with the headline of the ad or piece of marketing your visitor clicked. This is especially crucial if you’re a B2C company.

Most B2C’s create and distribute a large amount of content across many different categories and product types, simply sending users to your homepage or a different product page from your promotional pages won’t allow that message to match up properly.

Be Mindful of the Images You Choose

Hubspot estimates that 65% of people retain information paired with relevant images compared to 10% of people who only hear that same information. Because of this, you want to make sure that your images are inspiring, original and eye-catching, but most importantly you want to make sure they inspire your visitors to action.

A concise, educational video can also boost conversion rates if you’d prefer to go that route. But be mindful of the images you choose. Your images should always help you earn conversions, not distract your visitors. 

Implementing Engaging CTA’s

Your call-to-action (CTA) button is the most important part of your landing page because it’s the way that new leads are created in your system. Without this button, you don’t get potential new customers, and the rest of the copy and images on your page lose their importance. Great CTAs can increase your conversion rates, see some of our following tips below:

  1. Having a convincing CTA button. Avoid using terms like “submit”, “get started”, and use terms like “Get my free trial”, or “Send me the eBook”.
  2. Your CTA button should contrast the surrounding elements on your landing page in order to draw attention.

Final Thoughts

Design and digital marketing go hand in hand. Without the two it can be hard to have your campaigns stand out in order to drive engagement and new leads. At Onimod Global, we can help you craft a strategic digital marketing plan to meet your company’s needs.

Whether you need help with your web design and landing pages or your social media strategy, we are your one-stop-shop for all things digital marketing. For more information on our services, reach out to us today!

Getting Started With Social Media Design

Strong visual content on social media gives people a reason to follow, like, comment, and eventually buy from you. How can you make sure your design attracts the right audience? Let’s take a look…

The digital world is constantly changing. With all the new social media platforms, those that have been around for years are evolving, and new ones are popping up every day.

Whether your business is B2B or B2C, it’s important to have an effective visual strategy on social media. Graphics—such as photos, images and infographics—take up a lot more space than quotes and texts on any social media newsfeed. So how can you leverage graphics to make sure your business stands out online?

Here’s how to improve your social media visual strategy.

Optimize Your Images For Different Platforms

In order to maintain a social media presence, it’s important to post regularly across a variety of platforms. Posts with images get more engagement than links and text, so keeping your visuals looking their best is critical to an effective social media strategy.

For the most part, each platform requires images of different dimensions. To make this easy, apps like Canva and Adobe Stock have a selection of social media templates formatted to the optimum size for each network. And for your own unique designs, it’s easy to create an original template using custom dimensions.

Make Your Branding Cohesive

Consistency is the key ingredient to brand recognition and success. Think Coca Cola’s vibrant red, and Nike’s “Just Do It.” These brands have all mastered consistent branding by using the same font, color or image in all of their designs.

You want to maintain consistency across all design elements and branded materials so that your target audience can clearly recognize who it’s coming from. Whatever graphics you create and share should essentially be an extension of the same brand they see on your website. Be sure to incorporate your brand’s colors and fonts into your designs and avoid anything content that doesn’t accurately reflect your brand.

Create Valuable Content

The key to successful social media marketing is value and variety. You want to post content that is both valuable to your audience, as well as easy for them to share with their friends. There are many different types of content that can be shared, so don’t restrict yourself to one or two templates and make sure everything you post adds value to your site and for users. You want more valuable content to gain wider reach across social media platforms, resulting in more potential traffic to your website!

Consider posting the following:

  • Industry tips
  • Event Posts
  • Infographics

Create Consistency

Using a consistent template for graphics is important, especially if you’re a brand that’s trying to create an image across all of your social media platforms. Because social gives designers a much smaller canvas to work with, overcrowding can happen fast. You want to avoid overcrowding because it hinders user experience and can make it difficult to get your message across. You can avoid this by:

  • Using large illustrations 
  • Limiting typeface to 2 fonts 
  • Sticking with 2-3 colors 
  • Utilizing white space to contrast the main bold, colorful element

More from Onimod Global 

It’s important to stay on top of your digital marketing strategy so you can stay ahead of the curve.

At Onimod Global, we offer high-end design and branding for your business. We know how to take your brand from good to great! We can help you create an amazing visual identity and marketing materials that will help you stand out from the crowd and make sure you’re seen by your target audience.

Whether you’re a small business or global enterprise, we’ll work with you to make sure your brand represents who you are as a company and where you want to go next. Contact us today to get started.

Top Instagram Updates of 2022

Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites in recent years, and it’s not difficult to see why. With each update that goes out on this app, there are new Instagram features for users who love staying up-to-date with what’s happening around them at all times. 

Here’s a look at at the top 2022 updates for Instagram.

The Rise of Instagram

Instagram formed in 2010 as a photo sharing website and app. Over the years, it has expanded into more than just a photo sharing platform. It now allows users to share their life stories with followers by posting public and “private” videos and stories. Users can also use Instagram as an online community. By joining groups with other people who have similar interests or experiences.

The app has grown exponentially since its launch. Based on its global advertising audience reach numbers, Instagram has at least 1.440 billion users around the world in July 2022. The popularity of Instagram has led to many new features being added over time such as video filters and face filters. These features allow users to express themselves while still maintaining their privacy when posting pictures or videos online.

If you’re a social media marketer or content creator, these Instagram changes are going to be essential for your business. With so many new features and updates, you can easily get lost in the information. Here’s a look at the top new Instagram updates and features for 2022.

Creators Marketplace

This platform allows you to directly connect with creators and brands for sponsored content partnerships. The goal of marketplace is to help people interested in doing collaboration and parenting with brands on-demand. Its great for discovering what options are out there in terms of finding potential partners.


If you spend too much time on a single topic, Instagram will let suggest other topics for exploration. This is just another helpful tool in discovering new things within the platform.


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that are recorded on a blockchain. Each NFT is associated with an individual asset, such as a painting or a cat. The ownership of the NFT is recorded in the blockchain, which allows it to be transferred from one owner to another. This means that NFTs can be sold and traded like any other digital item.

Instagram now has a new functionality for NFT creators and collectors to share their treasures on the app. This is a big step in stimulating the creator economy. This benefits artists who are creating the artwork.

Enhanced Tag Feature

Instagram just got easier to be creative.

You can now tag all the contributors and collaborators in your post to recognize them as creators. With this new feature, you won’t have trouble finding credit for those who helped make a project happen – whether it was makeup artists or photographers on set during filming.

The new tagging feature is one of several updates that Instagram has been rolling out recently as they continue to improve their platform and make it more user-friendly.

Another update includes a new Explore tab that allows you to search for specific tags or other users by name. If you’re looking for someone who shares your interests or who might be able to help you with something, this is a great way to find them!

Contact Onimod Global

The world of social media can be a bit of a whirlwind: new apps are introduced every day, and each one has its own unique features that set it apart from the rest. Instagram is no exception.

Instagram is always trying to keep up with today’s trends, which means that your Instagram experience will be better than ever before! Looking for an agency to increase Instagram engagement and turn your Instagram business into a customer converting machine? Reach out to us here!

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every week! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Long-Tail Keywords: What are they?

Are you tired of trying to rank for the two or three-tail high-competition keywords as your competitors? Long-tail keywords could be the answer. What are long-tail keywords and how do they work in search marketing? Let’s find out!

Targeted keywords filled with intent can help you reach your target audience. If they’re clicking to your site from the search engines, chances are they’re finding you through longtail keywords. Let us break down how to use long-tail keywords for your business’ benefit.

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are specific search queries that tend to have relatively low search volumes. They make up a large percentage of overall searches when added together. The term long-tail was coined to describe the phenomenon of niche products becoming a top seller.

The term “long tail” refers to the tail at the end of a curve when looking at keyword searches on Google. Long-tail keywords are specific but least-searched. A head keyword is typically a broad term when it comes to searching for a product/brand.

Here are a few examples of long-tail keywords vs. head keywords:

Head Keyword:


Long Tail Keywords:

Nike Air Max Ones

Nike sustainability policy

Vintage Nike shoes

Nike Men’s Yoga Shorts

While exact length doesn’t matter, long-tail keywords are typically at least three words in length due to their specificity.

Why Are Long-Tail Keywords Important?

Head terms are competitive, especially the popular ones. This in turn, makes it difficult for them to rank well with SEO. By using long-tail keywords you’re able to differentiate your business and services while having fewer to compete with to rank on the first page of Google.

Long-tail keywords can help you get more out of your advertising return on investment. High-volume keywords have a high cost per click, but they don’t convert well. Low-volume keywords are highly targeted and therefore have a higher conversion rate.

Using Long-Tail Keywords Effectively

Finding a good long-tail keyword is only part of the heavy task at hand. Once you’ve found your desired keywords, you need to use them strategically on your page. Here are a few on-page SEO tips that apply specifically to long-tail keywords:

  1. Using keywords naturally
  2. Placing keywords strategically
  3. Consider your user’s search intent

Final thoughts

The foundation of any successful SEO campaign is keyword research. In addition to long-tail keyword strategies and other digital marketing updates, we will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about keywords or want to learn more about our services? Contact us here today.

How to Measure Social Media ROI

As one of the top digital marketing channels for businesses, social media is a critical component in your company’s success. Here’s how to engage your network, drive collaboration, stay up-to-date, and share best practices.

Every business should be able to calculate their social media return on investment. By tracking ROI, it shows the monetary value of your social media campaigns. You can double down by using marketing methods that work and avoid ones that dont. Social media is a crucial part to anyone’s marketing strategy if your goal is to drive brand awareness.

Here’s how you can measure your social media ROI and improve your content.

What is Social Media ROI?

When you’re looking to increase your social media ROI, it’s important to know how to calculate the value of your activities.

The calculation is simple: (return – investment made) / investment made X 100 = social media ROI.

If your ROI value is more than 0 percent, it means you’re making money from your campaigns. If it is anything below that, then you are losing money.

ROI calculation depends on your goals and objectives as an organization. Different organizations will have different objectives. There are many social media goals you can choose from. It all depends on your core objective, which could be:

  • New followers
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversions
  • Completed lead generation forms

Metrics Used to Measure Social Media ROI

Your social media strategy is the backbone of your business. Without it, you’re just flailing around in the dark, hoping that things work out.

And they won’t. It’s time to get a plan in place.

  • Engagement – This metric is measured by the level of people interacting with your content and brand. A recent study shows that over one third of executives that create content are using engagement as a way to measure their contents performance. Clicks, likes, shares and brand mentions are all part of tracking engagement for you social media channels.
  • Reach- This metric is measured on views and interactions with your company on social media. Reach can be harder to measure than engagement because it only factors how many people saw your post.
  • Leads – This metric is generated by social media, and it’s important to know which channels provide the most leads and what content drives those leads. The best way to achieve ROI with leads is by linking your campaigns to your activity.
  • Conversions – This metric uses UTM parameters on the links within your posts so you can track clicks by each campaign and platform.

When you have all four of these metrics implemented correctly, it will drive ROI to your business.

Best Way to Track ROI

Once you have your plan laid out and you know which targets you are hitting it is time to set up a system for tracking your ROI. There are so many different types of platforms on the market that do a variety of things for you. The simplest way to do this is by using Google Analytics and setting up goals and event tracking.

Google Analytics is a simple tool to use and their help page provides their users with a step-by-step guide on how to use their program. Most importantly, Onimod Global is a Google partner. Google Partners are online marketing companies, trusted and recognized for exceling with Google’s products.

As more customers use social media to browse, connect and purchase, marketers need to know how social media continuously evolves. No matter what your ROI percentage is, there is always room for improvement. Some last key things to remember are:

  • Understand your audience – make sure you know who is interacting with you and how you can provide them with content that will engage them.
  • Think outside the box – quality not quantity, take time to create interesting and engaging content for your audience.
  • Test and Optimize – fine tune your organic social posts by using new imagery, keywords and headlines.

Last Thoughts

At Onimod Global, our goal is to help you align your content marketing efforts to real business results. Our data-driven content strategies make it easy to understand your audience’s needs, where your competition is winning, and areas where you have an opportunity to lead your industry.

As a Chicago-based, in-house marketing team, we are your partner experts for specific marketing verticals or some nice balance in between. We excel in customer service and will teach you the most relevant and up-to-date digital marketing skills.

Have questions about creating your online presence and need help strategizing? Contact us here today.

How To Effectively Use Hashtags on Social Media

Promoting your brand on Social Media is paramount nowadays. And hashtags are an extremely effective tool when used correctly. Let’s delve a little deeper into the world of the previous pound sign (#) and how it can captivate audiences in 2022.

Hashtags can be one of the best way to make your content available in other realms of the social media world. The history of hashtags and their origin stem from Twitter and slowly began to grow across the board on other social media outlets.

Here’s a look at how to properly use hashtags to help people find your topics and expand your audience.

What are Hashtags?

By definition a hashtag is a keyword phrase or word preceded by a hash symbol (#). It’s used all over social media nowadays within the body of a post. The purpose of the hashtag is to bring attention to your posts in order to create interaction with new potential followers. When using a phrase as a hashtag, you spell it without spaces i.g. #onimodglobal.

Hashtags can include numbers but it cannot use symbols or punctuations. Beginning middle, or end you can place a hashtag in the body of your social media post or within the comment section. When you utilize this strategy it can help people who don’t follow you to find your content.

Why are Hashtags Important?

Hashtags are important for the sole purpose of your content being found by the right people. By using hashtags that are relevant to your business or the services you provide it can help drive your content to the right people. When this happens, you will have traffic to your content that will in turn boost your views, likes, and shares.

However, using them only makes a difference in your social media strategy when it’s done the right way. Here are some hashtag tips:

  1. Don’t get carried away with hashtags – The number of hashtags you can use depends on which platform you are using. Twitter would be a great example where one to three hashtags will have more of an impact opposed to using lot of them.
  2. Keep hashtags short and memorable – It’s in best hashtag practice that you don’t use a lot of words within a tag. A great example of this would be hashtag activism campaigns. The summer of 2020 was huge for the #BlackLivesMatter movement in America, and is still widely used within social media today.
  3. Don’t choose hashtags that are too obscure – If you choose a tag that no one is going to search for, it won’t benefit your marketing efforts.

Create your Own Hashtag Strategy

Anyone can create their own hashtag strategy. While there are many ways you can go about this, the best way is to choose specific hashtags whenever possible. The more specific you can get, the more likely you are to attract a targeted audience. Another strategy is using capital letters at the front of each word. This clarifies what you are trying to communicate.

Your competition is more than likely already using hashtags within their social media strategy. How successful are they at engaging your mutual audience? Pay attention to how much or how little they use hashtags and what the response is.

A successful hashtag strategy starts with knowing your audience and taking the time to become familiar with what works on each platform. With that knowledge in hand, you will continue to learn what works and what doesn’t, by using hashtags as part of your social media strategy and analyzing your results.

Overall, hashtags are a great tool for communicating with your followers as well as increasing engagement and attracting new customers.

Last Thoughts

Whether you’re new to social media or have been around it for a while, you can greatly benefit from learning a trick or two about hashtags. From Facebook to Instagram and Twitter, you will understand how to drive engagement and extend reach.

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Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. If you’re looking for assistance with your content marketing or any other areas of digital marketing, contact us today!