4 Best Apps for the Every Day Marketer

Employee burn-out is all too common in today’s work space. As digital marketing grows within many different companies, additional effort is needed from the staff. More focus, more commitment, more creativity, and mainly more hours.

The use of these apps are a simple way to stay on track and maintain a healthy work environment. They all service a different type of need from relaxation to productivity and organization. Find out how these apps can best serve you in your day-to-day work life.


Stress Relief:


Stress is entirely too familiar for many working adults. As of February 2017, Statista reported that 39% of U.S. adults experience stress at work or in their professional lives. To ease this stress, we recommend the use of Buddhify.

Buddhify is an app to help alleviate tension and worry through its many guided meditations. The Buddhify app has been gaining a lot of attention, from BuzzFeed in particular, for being a good stress reliever. The app offers a range of meditations for any kind of situation or mood, including one called “Work Break”.

Not only does the “Work Break” track assist many in escaping their stressful realities, but there are also several other useful options. “Ready”, “Being Online”, and “Feeling Stressed” are additional great choices that leave one feeling refreshed and balanced.


As a digital marketer, you are likely to spend a majority of your time sitting and looking at a screen. Onward helps you understand just how much screen time you are actually adding up each day.

The app also breaks down the time you spend on screen into different categories. Social media, news, and communication are all major culprits of excessive screen time. Once the app determines your amount of screen time, it can then suggest things you can do to lessen that time.




Many digital marketers often dabble in graphic design from time to time. Unfortunately, it can be hard to be a Photoshop or Adobe InDesign pro with very limited experience. This is where Fonta can help.

Fonta is a unique little design studio app with the ability to change an image using many simple special effects. You can create stylish captions across your image, change up the background, add a funky border, or try out some new lighting effects in this user friendly app.

The best part is that this app is free! Normally priced at $0.99, Fonta has recently removed its charge, making it even easier for beginners to produce high quality illustrations.




Have you ever made an amazing spur-of-the-moment professional connection but didn’t have a business card to give them? Most people outside of the sales occupation do not carry business cards. They are often forgotten about until a moment, like the one just mentioned, where you begin kicking yourself for not having them in the first place.

With CamCard, you are able to store and share business cards anytime and anywhere, so long as you have your smartphone. This app scans and automatically stores new business cards. It can also exchange e-cards with other users, eliminating the need for a physical paper card altogether.

4 Reasons Why Your Blog Traffic is Poor

Driving traffic to a blog is much easier said than done. The internet is filled with millions of blogs and it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. There are many potential reasons behind the struggles of your blog traffic. Whether it’s bad SEO, inconsistency, or boring content, it’s never too late to “resurrect” your blog and turn things around. From our blogging experiences at Onimod Global, we have came up with four major reasons listed below as to why your blog traffic may be struggling at the moment.

1. SEO is Lacking:
Ensuring that your blog posts are as highly optimized as possible for relevant search queries must be a top priority. It’s important to point out that a strong SEO presence doesn’t just happen overnight, it takes time and effort. Some facets of your blog to pay the most attention to regarding SEO are the URL title, meta descriptions, key words, headlines of articles, etc. Downloading an SEO plugin for your blog will also help. “Yoast SEO” for instance is by far the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress and should be utilized by all users.

2. Low Emphasis on Social Media:
In addition to focusing on SEO, sharing blog content on multiple social media platforms will most likely be the most effective way to drive traffic. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Google Plus, and other social mediums should all be utilized. The hardest aspect of sharing content on social media is gaining a respectable and loyal following. If your blog is in its early stages and seeking initial traffic, try requesting friends and family members to share your posts through their social media accounts. You never know who will come across your blog and become a fan of your content.

3. Inconsistent Posting:
The last thing viewers/readers want to see is inconsistency or inactivity when it comes to blog posting.  If you want readers to keep coming back and become “regulars” you need to be consistent with your blog. Consistent and frequent posting can also be a factor when it comes to SEO. The more content you put out there online, the better chance you have of ranking on search engines. Ultimately, not sticking to a consistent posting schedule will most likely result in one thing – a decrease in viewership.

4. Headlines and Content lack Engagement:
It’s not hard to figure out that in order for a blog to become successful and drive traffic, the headlines and overall content must be engaging. Headlines should always be designed to grab attention because it is the first impression that potential readers will have of your blog. Your content could be stellar, but if headlines are bad people will have zero interest in clicking on your posts. Regarding content, if you want readers to keep coming back and even start to share posts, your content must be compelling. The famous saying “content is king” is extremely accurate when it comes to blog posting. At the end of the day, if your blog content sucks readers will have no interest in coming back.

Contact Us: For more information regarding digital marketing expertise, visit the Onimod Global Website. We provide weekly news updates on the latest in the world of digital marketing. Enjoy!

How the Healthcare Industry is Utilizing Digital Marketing Strategies

Healthcare is something that is required by every individual. It is a universal need due to the fact that inevitably, everyone gets ill at some point. This need produces an enormous industry and marketplace, which is just beginning to scratch the surface of digital marketing.

While there is money to be made in such a large industry, the primary concern has always been to help people. So how do outsell others in the healthcare business? To answer this question, many organizations are turning to digital marketing.

Best Practices, LLC recently released an article on how pharmaceutical companies are investing more and more into digital marketing. Their goals are to use digital technologies to learn more about their customers and build solid relationships with them.

All of the major digital advertising platforms are equipped with advanced targeting options. The key is to streamline your ads to the perfect audience. Best Practices, LLC took it upon themselves to discover exactly who this audience contains in their report, “Digital Innovation Path: Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing Innovation, Customer Engagement, Investment and Approvals.”

Key findings in the report conclude that non-branded websites repeatedly drive high ROIs for many businesses, and that implementing standardized templates and open communications with patients is vital.

Digital marketing teams are provided with a substantial amount of creativity when working with non-branded websites. This allows them to be incredibly innovative and successful when it comes to returns for the company.

It is not surprising to also find that simplistic continuity is preferred by consumers. It is essential to keep the process as smooth as possible for those working their way through it. If a problem does arise, it is also important that they can easily reach out for help. Using live chat messaging systems is a common solution to this issue, and is typically received positively by users.

Other general digital marketing strategies to implement in the healthcare field are:

  • Use of Engaging Visual Content: The more original and exceptional content you produce, the better. People want to see you engaging with others and talking about current issues. This helps potential customers see that you care about what is going on in the world, and that you also care about them.
  • Build a Credible Brand Identity: If you want to be taken seriously, then you need a credible brand. This goes hand-in-hand with delivering creative content. Build out your brand by establishing it on other platforms. Social media profiles are the easiest, and cheapest, way to show consumers that your company is legitimate.
  • Have a Quality Website: A good website is another sign of strong brand credibility. This aspect can also increase your visibility and conversion rates. Search engine optimization is what allows websites to rank higher on the first page of Google search results. If Google’s algorithm deems your website as being relevant to users, then it will automatically push it to a higher position. While SEO is a bit complicated and time consuming, it can produce great organic results for your business.

5 Ways to Increase your Organization’s Impact on Twitter

Consistently posting on a business Twitter account may start to feel like a meaningless and repetitive task, yet it’s important to build a brand and keep audiences engaged. According to Marketing Land, there are “currently over 300 million monthly active users on Twitter, with 50% of these users being more likely to be consumers of the brands they follow.” Therefore, your company’s Twitter activity must be a priority and listed below are a few ways to maximize your impact on the social media giant.

1. Interact with your Audience:
It’s very easy to ignore or forget about replies and direct messages from followers. Keeping track and replying in a timely manner will make your audience feel important and connected to your brand. It’s also a facet that will set you apart from other company Twitter accounts. Look at Jimmy John’s for instance, they take pride in interacting with their customers and have gained a large following on Twitter as a result (476K followers). Ultimately, if you go the “extra mile” when it comes to interacting with followers you will get noticed.

2. Follow Trends and Hashtags:
This concept may seem like a simple task, yet many business accounts either ignore or forget to utilize hashtags and trends that Twitter has to offer. The major benefit of paying attention to trends is more visibility. We’re not suggesting to overuse hashtags, but implementing at least 2-3 per tweet will have a positive effect on your impressions, interactions, and overall visibility. #MondayMotivation or #FridayFeeling for example are two frequently trending hashtags that can easily be inserted in tweets to catch more eyeballs.

3. “Follow and Retweet for a Chance to Win”:
This is one of the most common Twitter strategies in the game, but don’t underestimate it’s effectiveness. If you’re a frequent Twitter user you probably encounter these tweets all the time. It’s simple, fun, and an effective way to build relationships with current and future consumers while growing followers at the same time. Although many users may unfollow your account if they don’t win anything, your tweet will still produce a ton of impressions and enhance brand awareness.

4. Allocate Time into Profile:
As simple as this idea sounds, many companies don’t put in enough time and effort to their Twitter profiles. Depending on the industry, tweeting at least 3-5 times per week will show consistency. Inactivity for long periods of time can be a turnoff for potential consumers. Even paying attention to simple aspects like your profile images, bio, and likes can have a major impact on your brand’s image. Setting up a schedule each week for when, what, and how much to tweet is one easy way to maintain a consistent Twitter presence.

5. Don’t Solely Focus on Products/Services:
It’s obvious that Twitter and social media in general is a large marketplace for product/service promotion, but followers don’t like being bombarded with product information. This could potentially make your account look like a scammer and you will lose followers as a result. One idea for producing content is to pay close attention to how competitors use their Twitter and make note of which types of posts draw the most engagement. Another idea is to interact about what’s happening within your community. Essentially, the overall concept with tweeting content is to be as relevant as possible to your audience’s interests.

Follow Us: If you enjoy reading our content be sure to give us a follow at @OnimodGlobal or visit our website at www.onimodglobal.com. We provide weekly news updates on the latest in the digital marketing world!

Timing Is Everything, Especially in Digital Marketing

Believe it or not there are many times when digital marketing is more effective than others. Find out how to best reach your intended audience in time with this short article from Onimod Global!


Many businesses typically break down their yearly events by quarters, and this schedule is no different. This tactic helps to keep things from getting too overwhelming and muddled. By separating the year into 4 identifiable groups, you can better concentrate your marketing efforts with a clear marketing strategy.

In every quarter you need to make sure that you are paying attention to major holidays. New Years, Easter, The 4th of July, and Christmas are only a few of the major holidays to consider when constructing your game plan.

Center your special offers and promotions around these times. These dates will make up the most important peaks in interest when consumers are shopping around for good deals and specials.


Start off strong. It is always better to put in the hard work and effort at the beginning, rather than try and catch up towards the end. Do not procrastinate. Even if you plan to run certain campaigns toward the end of the month, you can still prepare.

All of the major digital advertising platforms allow you to schedule your ads for future dates. Get a head start and queue these up  at the beginning of the month so you’re not in a panic come week 4.


Put yourself into this type of situation. How would you react to an ad when you’ve got a case of the Mondays? It is generally best to steer clear of advertising during the beginning of the week, since many busy adults are still trying to get back into the swing of things after a nice relaxing weekend.

As the week rolls on, we begin to see an uptick in consumer engagement with ads. Thursdays and Fridays are particularly successful days, according to various infographics on Hubspot.

Weekends are a bit hit-or-miss. Some platforms report steady traffic on Saturdays and Sundays, while others suggest to hold off until the following Tuesday or Wednesday. This exact timing will depend on your specific business, and what you can conclude after experimenting with a few ads over the weekend.


The same infographics from Hubspot list the best times of the day to post on the top 5 social media platforms. For Facebook, advertisers should post between 1-4 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays for their largest window of opportunity. All weekdays from 12-3 p.m. are prime times to engage with users on Twitter. LinkedIn is very concentrated throughout the average workday Tuesday-Thursday. Pinterest users are most active during the evening and very late/early hours of 2-4 a.m. Finally, Instagram is most effective anytime of the day from Monday-Thursday, except between 3 and 4 p.m.

For more information regarding digital marketing expertise, please visit our website at www.onimodglobal.com. We provide weekly news updates on the latest and greatest in digital marketing. Enjoy!

Snapchat’s New “Snap Map” Update: How this Impacts Marketers

A couple of weeks ago Snapchat introduced a new feature called the “Snap Map.” This feature is almost a replication of the “Find My Friends” app, which means users can now share their location with one another. This may be an invasion of privacy to some degree, yet it’ll be interesting to see how marketers will be able to take advantage of this feature. This post will explore some details about the “Snap Map” and more importantly the marketing implications it may have.

Snap Map Info:
Snapchat’s overall purpose of implementing this new feature is because they want users to have “a new way to explore the world.” What really stands out is that users not only have the capability of finding their friends, but they can now access public snaps from around the globe. As mentioned previously, the privacy of Snapchat users seems to be invaded but there is a “ghost mode” option for those who don’t want to appear on the map. Ultimately, this new “Snap Map” feature is a massive update and it’s still very early to predict where Snapchat plans to go with this moving forward. It’s definitely something to keep an eye on as there seems to be unlimited potential for this going forward.

Potential Marketing Benefits:
From a business and marketing standpoint, the “Snap Map” has a lot of potential for advertising opportunities and location marketing tools. Although Snapchat announced they don’t plan to run ads in the Snap Map stories, it doesn’t mean this isn’t a possibility in the future. Live updates across the Snap Map is one way for marketers to get involved. This allows brands to take advantage of live events as they are able to on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Another big marketing opportunity for businesses is the emphasis on location marketing. Since the majority of Snapchat’s audience is mobile based, users become much easier to reach due to their locations being accessible. Any store or restaurant for instance would have the capability of placing paid advertisements to potential consumers near their location. It’s hard to say how this would fully operate because as a user I wouldn’t want my Snap Map to be filled with ads everywhere on a daily basis. In the end however, there seem to be endless possibilities in terms of marketing opportunities within the new Snap Map feature. In an ever-changing and competitive social media world, the Snap Map feature appears to have Snapchat heading in the right direction.

Contact Us:
With our cross channel expertise in social media management and advertising, our team at Onimod Global can help solve all of your digital marketing needs. Feel free to reach out to us on our Contact Us page to get a free evaluation today. We look forward to hearing from you!

3 Deadly Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Digital marketing is often much more difficult than many people think. You can’t just hand over a marketing department to any millennial with a laptop and a Facebook account. You need a trained professional. Onimod Global is here to help with a quick list of marketing mishaps to steer clear of.

1.) No Clear Marketing Strategy

This is without a doubt the most effective way to sink your company. Moving ahead with digital marketing initiatives without any type of real game plan is detrimental. Not only will it waste time and money, but some of the damage may be irreversible. It can be very hard to change a consumer’s perception of a business once they’ve already interacted with it. After all, no one gets a second first impression.

Make sure to develop a real strategy before making any major moves. Consult with real professionals outside of your business. You may also want to seriously consider hiring someone full time to run your marketing campaigns. Digital marketing is not something that can be learned overnight. It requires real experience and education to be implemented successfully.


2.) Limited Social Media Exposure

First of all, you need to make sure that your brand exists on social media. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram are just a few to get started. If you aren’t on these 4 basic platforms, then you are most certainly missing out on an enormous customer base.

Being present on these various platforms is invaluable to your brand’s identity. They are also completely free, aside from the time it will take to get them up and running.

If potential customers cannot find you anywhere on the internet besides your website, they may think that your company is a scam. Social media is a perfect way to build up a solid foundation and spread the word about your business. It is also a great way to push your content.


3.) Not Enough Content

The more original content you generate, the better. Whether in the form of a tweet, blog, or newsletter, these all have the potential to gain more traction for your business. This is a great way to get people interested in what you have to say.

Every extra minute you spend inside of a particular platform helps you gain more knowledge and credibility. Engaging with others is a great way to prompt them into engaging with you. The more time that you spend tweeting, retweeting, hashtagging, and following major influencers, the more recognition your brand will receive.

Run a Free Scan: See How Your Business is Doing Today!

Making sure your brand has as much online visibility as possible is essential in today’s digital world. Running a FREE scan with us at Onimod Global will only benefit your organization to see how well your current online presence is to potential consumers. This will allow you to see where your business ranks on search engines, important local directories, and the top review sites. Find out how your business is doing by CLICKING HERE to see where you rank in terms of overall visibility on the internet.

Major Benefits: 
Scanning your organization’s overall visibility online will provide precise information and direction on where to create listings and how to draw more attention to your products/services. Running a scan with us will provide you with marketing insights that you would otherwise not get. Google, Bing, Yahoo and others consist of the largest search engine platforms and local directories we’ll evaluate. Other local directories and review sites taken into account are: Yelp, Better Business Bureau, Angie’s List, Merchant Circle, Foursquare, Yellowbook, Manta, Whitepages, and other reliable platforms.

Contact Us:
In the end, running a FREE scan with us at Onimod Global is only beneficial to see the current online state of your organization and how well you rank. Contact us today if interested, we look forward to hearing from you!

Which Social Media Platform is best for Paid Advertising?

If you’re an organization that utilizes social media channels for sponsored advertising, it’s important to determine which platform to allocate the majority of the budget to. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all have unique advertising options and contain different types of audiences. This post will evaluate each of the three platforms and give direction on which advertising medium is right for your organization.

The largest empire in the social media world has about 1.3 billion registered accounts and around 175 million daily users according to the Business Insider. Therefore, with these astounding numbers the biggest upside to sponsoring content on Facebook is visibility. The advanced targeting options and cost effectiveness of Facebook are also massive bonuses. Targeting options consist of location, interests, education, work, gender, and relationship status. These advanced settings allow businesses to hit their target audiences to ensure ad dollar is spent as efficiently as possible. Ultimately, from my experiences with paid advertising on social media, I would argue that Facebook is the superior platform when it comes to targeting capabilities and cost effectiveness.

Relative to Facebook advertising Twitter is another viable option for promoting sponsored content. Although the number of accounts and users don’t match up to Facebook’s rank, Twitter still has a substantial following that can’t be ignored. Twitter’s targeting capabilities are probably it’s best feature, as you have ability to target by interests, keywords, hashtags, and even followers. Based of previous experience, I would argue that advertising on Twitter is your best option in terms of generating impressions. Running awareness campaigns is most likely your best bet with advertising on Twitter, however it can be difficult to measure cost effectiveness. Essentially, if you’re focusing on brand awareness – Twitter advertising is your “go to” option.

In theory, sponsoring content on LinkedIn seems like a great idea if your target audiences are more “professional based.” This can be true if your targeting options are set right and have appealing ads. Reliable leads can be generated through led-gen campaigns, but the cost per lead can be very high. Some of our experiences with LinkedIn advertising have seen high CPCs, low CTRs, not a lot of clicks, and a higher cost per conversion. A major positive however is the quality of these clicks – which are typically very high compared to clicks on Facebook, Twitter, etc. In the end, LinkedIn is by far the least cost effective advertising platform, but if utilized correctly it can generate some high quality leads, viewers, and overall visibility.

Contact Us: With our cross channel expertise in social media management and advertising, our team at Onimod Global can help solve all of your digital marketing needs. Feel free to reach out to us on our Contact Us page to get a free evaluation today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Why Mobile Matters

It’s no secret that mobile advertising is taking over in a big way. This transition is quite possibly the single most important trend in digital marketing at this time. So what are you doing to enhance your advertising strategy for mobile users?

A recent Nielsen report shows PC usage down in every demographic, while mobile usage through tablets and smartphones only trend upward. It is clear that users are shifting away from desktops in favor of more convenient mobile devices.

An article by Forbes gives 15 examples of how to lead the way in mobile digital advertising. One of their strategies is to optimize the first 3 seconds of your ad in order to quickly gain the attention of the viewer.

Many consumers are giving less and less consideration to ads, so it is imperative that your message is delivered quickly and clearly. In general, all interactions should be faster. Increasing speed relates directly to increasing convenience, which in turn increases the likelihood of a response from the user.

Another suggestion is to treat mobile as an entirely new practice. It will not benefit you to copy over all of your old tactics and beliefs to the mobile realm. Instead, try to picture it with a fresh mindset.

Do some research, find out what works best. Look over other industry trends, like the ones mentioned in this article of ours: 4 Digital Marketing Trends to Follow, and figure out how you can implement them into your mobile campaign structure. Do not assume that mobile will work in the same way as all other advertising methods.

Also pay attention to changes in digital marketing platforms. Many large advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Bing Ads are constantly trying to innovate and improve their services. Google recently redesigned their AdWords platform for the first time in 8 years. Another Onimod article discusses the 5 Things You Need to Know About the New Google AdWords.

Continue to stay up to date with other platforms by subscribing to their newsletters and webinars. The best way to stay ahead of the competition is to stay informed.

Here at Onimod Global we are regularly reporting on digital marketing related news. Visit our blog to view recent articles, or contact us to subscribe to our email newsletter.