Entries by Onimod Global

How to Measure Social Media ROI

As one of the top digital marketing channels for businesses, social media is a critical component in your company’s success. Here’s how to engage your network, drive collaboration, stay up-to-date, and share best practices. Every business should be able to calculate their social media return on investment. By tracking ROI, it shows the monetary value […]

Marketing Metrics Businesses Should Be Tracking

Marketing metrics matter because smart marketing is built on the foundations of solid data. That is why any business with a digital marketing strategy should be closely monitoring the following 4 metrics. Let’s hop right in!  In today’s digital marketing landscape, there are a number of data points to measure. Some of these will help […]

How To Choose Content Marketing Topics

When choosing content topics, most digital marketers try to write about things they believe is relevant to their audience. While relevance is important, alone it’s not enough. Furthermore, some seemingly relevant content topics may not be a good fit for your brand.  Effective content marketing grows only when you understand the competition at stake when […]